AU Class
AU Class
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Fast, Efficient CGI for Television VFX



These days, the commonplace use of visual effects (VFX) in movies has raised audience expectations in terms of VFX quality, and has driven television productions to step up both the quantity and quality of VFX for almost every scripted television series. Due to the nature of television schedules and budgets, VFX artists share more in common than just similar toolsets with their colleagues in the architectural visualization industry; hence, efficient workflows in one field can be modified to benefit the other. Kim Lee (senior CG generalist from FuseFX New York) will present various case studies from a variety of current television series, showing how tools like 3ds Max software are used to create high-quality VFX, quickly and efficiently. Lee will show how the artists at FuseFX capitalize on capabilities like photogrammetry scanning, and MAXScript and python scripting—along with various 3ds Max software tools and plug-ins—to create award-winning VFX for many of the most popular shows. This session features 3ds Max.


  • See how developing an efficient workflow/pipeline can increase speed and profitability
  • See how capitalizing on MAXScript and 3ds Max software’s Python connectivity can help in your work
  • Learn how embracing technologies such as photogrammetry can improve your work
  • See how 3ds Max is used as the primary CGI tool at FuseFX


  • Kim Lee
    Kim Lee is perhaps one of the most widely know participants in the industry over the past 15 years. His work as an animator, visual effects supervisor, technical director, director, author, teacher, and community leader has influenced artists from New York to New Zealand. His work in both the digital and physical realms includes commercials for clients such as JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A.; American Express Company; Google; and Lexus. He has also worked on feature-film development at Walt Disney Animation Studios and on television series such as Mega Cities and Crime 360. His recent work blends his strong background in digital production with electronics, programming, carpentry, and mechanics, and he uses recent developments in the growing maker movement. Kim has written for numerous publications, including 3ds Max 2010 Architectural Visualization—Advanced to Expert (published by 3DATS) and Inside 3ds Max 4 (published by New Riders Press).