AU Class
AU Class
class - AU

Forge Development Ecosystem and Academia



 Making and Learning coupled with academia’s culture of research and development has traditionally been the cornerstone of higher education especially at the graduate level. This tradition is however changing and the culture of innovation is beginning to spread across other levels of education ranging from secondary up through postsecondary. Students and educators empowered with cheaper and easily available digital technologies are inventing new computing solutions for various applications. Autodesk’s recently introduced Forge platform helps students and educators nurture innovative ideas and transform them into real and viable solutions. Forge offers academic entrepreneurs a network of experts, a rich community of practice, software development platform and resources to catalyze innovation.   Join this panel presentation and learn how educators and students have already benefitted from Forge’s features to enable the Future of Making.


  • Familiarize themselves with upcoming trends and opportunities in the world of digital communities to make their ideas real
  • Appreciate the value of radical collaboration through successful case studies as catalyzed by the Forge Platform
  • Use Forge in matching grants situation (NSF grant + Fusion …..)
  • Connect with other academics who have been benefitting from Forge to create innovative solutions and APIs
