- Understand associative design using Data Interoperability
- Learn about collaborative design
- Learn how to use Fusion 360 toolchain for popular CAD formats
- Learn about a multiCAD environment in Enterprises
- SMShrirang MogheShrirang Moghe is a software architect for Fusion 360 software, specializing in backend fusion services, and he is also a Fusion 360 Security black belt holder. He is a mechanical engineer at heart and has been in CAD for the last 15-plus years with development experience in Education Master Suite software, Solid Edge software, Inventor software, and Fusion 360 software.
- BHBryce HeventhalBryce Heventhal has a bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering. He has been using a CAD tool for 10 years and has been in the CAD industry for 3 years. Previously he worked for a SolidWorks reseller before joining the Fusion 360 Team at Autodesk, Inc. He has used a variety of CAD tools in his career with a variety of workflows. He loves tinkering with different designs and using many forms of additive manufacturing.
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