- Learn how to set up an IPD project
- Learn legal issues and concerns and be able to identify solutions for them
- Understand fundamentals on laser scanning for IPD/BIM projects
- Understand project delivery methods
- ASAUSTIN STONEAustin possesses the technological and management skills necessary to implement and maintain BIM technologies. The consummate professional, his engaging demeanor and extensive knowledge base allow him to work successfully and seamlessly with clients, project management, consultants, and subcontractors. Overseeing BIM technologies, Austin makes sure that HSC and its trade partners are utilizing the latest technologies in order to mitigate risk and deliver a better end-product to our clients.
- Peter MarchesePeter is a Principal Business Consultant with Construction clients for Autodesk. He has a history specializing in assisting organizations with implementing BIM processes and understanding and implementing new and upcoming technologies to enhance coordination, and differentiate skills and offerings from competitors. This has included working with international firms in AECO providing on-site assistance, integrating BIM into their design processes, custom training and content, and leading the process of creating standards and workflows, as well as utilizing VR, cloud/ mobile tools, and UAV’s to stay at the forefront of the industry. Prior to joining Autodesk, Peter worked at one of Autodesk's largest partners for 17 years, and in several design firms working on residential, institutional, liturgical and commercial projects over 10 years. He has managed projects throughout all phases including CD’s, field surveys, code and product research, specs, and presenting to approval boards.
AUSTIN STONE: This is all about IPD for BIM and health care projects, science as well. There is a project that I will be showing you. It's project N. It's a confidential project. I had to list it as a confidential job, but that's OK. So whenever we talk about project N, it's a project. I'll give you a location. It's in Delaware.
Some of you may have recognized this building. This building is a newer building. The area that we are working in is in the back, older area of the facility. A little about myself, I'm actually Austin Stone. I work for for HSC Builders. Actually, before HSC, I-- It would be about you. Actually, there we go.
Before I worked for HSC, I worked for Microdesk with Peter. At HSC, I pretty much handle practice technology in general, that is, again, technology risk management, facilities management solutions, and so forth. This is a long list here, but I'm not going to go into this. Next person, we have Peter Marchese. So I'll let Peter go.
PETER MARCHESE: I have the fun title of the Senior Technology Evangelist because it always causes a laugh at any meeting. Basically, what that means is that I get to play with all the emerging technologies-- different software, whether it's VR, AR, cloud tools. And a lot of what we're going to be talking about for an IPD project is colocation.
So what kind of tools are we using to coordinate with the different teams? So that's how that fits in with my background. And I also worked as an architect for about 10 years too. So don't hold that against me if you're in construction. Sorry.
AUSTIN STONE: And go to the next one. OK, so IPD or BIM, a lot of folks kind of-- how does it play a part? We're going to discuss all of that. There's going to be a lot of information in here about data, legal aspects. You'll get to see a lot of this.
But just a raise of hands, who in the room is an architect? OK. Engineers? OK. Owners? CM? Let's see here. And then the next one, who has worked on an IPD project? Cool. And who has worked on a colocated project? Cool, very cool.
So some of you may know that there are some hurdles in that and implementing a project. But we're going to walk through this. First, Peter's going to go through some learning objectives, and then we're going to go through some fun slides.
PETER MARCHESE: Cool. So hopefully at the end of this, what's going to happen is you're going to understand how to set up a project, or at least in the way that when you start a project, we look at it. You're going to understand the different processes that we looked at from a legal issue as well as from a coordination, organization issue, and understand some of the methods that HSC is looking at to get the most out of the project, and also deliver the most value to all the people that are part of the process. So get the--
AUSTIN STONE: (WHISPER) Something's up with your mic.
AUSTIN STONE: What is it?
PETER MARCHESE: No, it's on. Yep, so now, just out of curiosity, anybody here a gamer, like video games?
AUSTIN STONE: Raise your hands.
PETER MARCHESE: So for those of you who know Destiny or are into video games, we were trying to figure out a way to understand how we're looking at a lot of the different tools. And since going into a lot of construction projects is kind of like going into battle--
AUSTIN STONE: Actually, pause real quick just so they're--
AUSTIN STONE: We're going to pause real quick just so that folks can come into the room here.
PETER MARCHESE: Whoop, yeah.
AUSTIN STONE: Got a glimpse of it.
PETER MARCHESE: The surprise is gone. Cool, so I promise the rest of this is going to look more like a normal construction presentation. But this part will be a little bit weird.
So in terms of looking at this from a standpoint, a lot of video games, you'll end up having different characters with different skill sets with different setups. So from this place, if we were to look at this from a snap of-- oh, there we go-- from different kinds of projects, different kinds of setup, and since we're focusing on IPD, we would look at what we need to solve this problem. What's our loadout going to be? What tools will we put together for this?
PETER MARCHESE: Yep, yeah, of course, now, it doesn't want to behave. There we go. So if you look at a character like this, it has different loadouts, different benefits, different tools.
For something that we want to actually do, we might look at this and say, OK, well, for a project, we have the deliverable at the end. We have the tools that we use, both typical for AEC as well as third party plugins, and then our standard office applications. And based on the different project needs, whatever is best for the owner, or whatever they're requiring, we'll choose different aspects.
So as we look through this, specifically from what we're trying to achieve, what kind of a product we're looking at, we're going to end up having different goals, focuses, tools. And there's not going to be a, it's always this one tool. It's always in this one service. It really is going to depend on what we're trying to achieve.
Certain projects, because of security issues or because of the client-- if it's a government client, certain things just come of the table. It might be the best tool for the process, but it doesn't matter if we can't use it.
AUSTIN STONE: So these slides are-- some of you, again, some of you have worked on an IPD. It feels like we're going into battle sometimes. And that's why we use those slides as just an example.
But for project N, I'll give you a little background of how this product actually came to life. Project N is a $150 million project spanning five years. It is a replacement of 78 air handler units. So give you a roadmap of how this was laid out-- there was already an architect on board. The owner selected an architect, and it wasn't an IPD job. It really wasn't.
And they knew that they had interior renovations in the space that they had to conduct. They know that they had to replace the entire existing electrical, HVAC, fire protection, and plumbing system in the building. Now, that played a large part in selecting the right folks and the right team on that job.
Now, we looked at-- and actually, before I was actually in HSC, there was quite an endeavor process from the owner and architect of selecting what kind of delivery methods they wanted to go through, and design-bid-build, design-build-- that sort of process. Regardless, if the architect was on board, they had to go through these kind of steps.
For this project, they decided to go IPD. And the IPD process was identified once the CM was brought on, OK? And at that point, AE, subcontractors, consultants, contractors, and so forth, were brought in.
Now, for those who-- on IPD project, you don't call your subcontractors "subcontractors." You call them "trade partners" because we're all a part of one team. It is the whole process of you are revolving around an owner, and everybody is working toward that one goal, and that is to provide the best product. And in our case, the product is the building, OK?
So how the job starts-- basically, I'm just going to put this in perspective. Owner's perspective is an owner has to be engaged right from the beginning, OK? If you are not going to-- if you don't have the right person involved as an owner standpoint from the beginning, it really kind of fizzles out. You have to have that early on engagement, OK?
Early meetings must be efficient. What do I mean by efficient? Raise of hands, does anybody know what the term parking lot means? So if you're asking questions, and things come up, hey, we've got to parking lot that. We gotta go to next topic, OK? So there are terms in [INAUDIBLE] and process that is really key, OK?
At this point, business terms are being set up. Raise of hands, does anybody know what business terms are in construction? OK, business terms are, we are negotiating on an IPD job. That is profit, shared savings, OK? Sometimes the word KPI comes up. So these are really, really key aspects of the job.
One thing that we have noticed is a legal standpoint. There is research done on IPD. And you'll see that there is legal representation gets brought in early on. Sometimes you'll see that, in articles, they'll say, oh, legal representation was assigned to each party-- party meaning each team on the project. That could be on architecture side, engineer side, so forth. A lot of the times what you'll see is, once that is established, you will see that no agreement will ever get signed, OK? Never.
In our case, we chose to have one attorney represent all parties on the job-- extremely different aspect. There comes a time that you will have this hurdle that you have to get folks on board and go, OK, we only have one attorney representing all of us. How does that play a part? And how do we work toward building that best product?
So the next key thing is, is once you get legal representation on board, and your team selected, an owner has to be engaged enough to identify LOD, BIM execution plans, and so forth. That is extremely, extremely important. Without LOD and BIM action plan, you're basically letting free ride of however the project will run. And now, actually, you're going to bring Peter up to talk about LOD.
PETER MARCHESE: Cool, how many people here don't know what LOD stands for? Don't. OK, good. This will be a quick slide. So for the most part, when we're talking about LOD in a project, whether it's IPD or normal one, the BIM execution plan is going to be very important.
It's meant to ensure that everybody is on the same page. We all know what we're expected to do, and what we're trying to deliver. Whether we're going to be doing something that's really basic from just lines if we're going to be doing something that includes assembly details or construction information. What's the goal of the project? How much information do we have to put in there?
And the ones that are up here are coming from the BIMForum 2017 setup. But as part of this, when we're working with the IPD setup, and everybody's on the same team, it's not like I'm trying to get out of doing work. So that way, I'm making things better for myself. If I make something better for the person after me, that's going to come back to me.
So when we start talking about KPI, and we start talking about profit sharing, I'm looking out for the integrity of the entire project, the entire team. Not just, how can I get this done really fast without having to put in any of this extra effort? On a lot of normal projects, I might only do 200 or 300. Because the benefit downstream, it doesn't do anything for me. It's going to benefit somebody else, but it doesn't do anything for me.
And if we're talking about an IPD, where, as we hit targets, we get things done faster, smoother, easier, then it still is going to come back and benefit me. Because if it makes somebody else's life easier, there's less problems in the field. It's more easily coordinated. I am going to see a piece of that.
So that's why LOD is more important when we're talking about an IPD project. Because I'm probably going to do a little bit more extra effort, even though it doesn't directly impact me on my design side. It impacts the process, the entire project.
Mm-hmm. Cool.
AUSTIN STONE: So trade partners versus subcontractors-- the difference is just the terminology. It's about the IPD process. We're all on the same line. So what you'll see is this first slide is showing just the conventional that all the subcontractors are underneath the CM. Realistically, I mean, there could be many different workflows on this.
But the approach is that, when you are a trade partner, and you are on a IPD team-- slide-- you are all together. And you are all working toward that same goal. So we're all on the same level ground, OK?
Now, that brings us down to benefit overview. Now, when you have all these parties along a same path, or same motive, and trying to drive the next project, this is really key. And we brought up an example here. For this job that I [INAUDIBLE] project N, if we would have not gone IPD-- considering that we had 70 plus air handler units, and infrastructure job, and renovations in the facility.
This is an example of, I have different projects within that same facility, different team members. Think of it as, OK, if I'm going to go out to bid-- as an owner, I'm going to send this out to bid, let's call it, 70 plus times. OK, maybe selecting an engineer 70 plus times-- equipment subcontractors, 70 times. That adds up, OK?
In an IPD project, it's repetitive. Sometimes IPD, how it's brought up is ground-up buildings. They're great for it because it's easy. It's quick turnaround, but a repetitive process, you can set. What we have seen-- we've set different rules and regulations and how we perfect the job moving forward.
So what you'll see is we have the same team, along the same process, on every project within that facility. And we're working toward a goal, OK? Those goals are shared profit, and that shared savings, and the profit side. Now, that brings us to KPI. We implemented a system called KPI. I'll actually just let Peter talk about this really quick.
PETER MARCHESE: Cool. So KPI tends to stand for Key Performance Indicators. So think of it this way. If I do this, then I get a benefit at the end. So if anybody hear has ever worked sales, then more than likely you know KPI. So unless I make 500 phone calls in three hours, then I'm not going to make any money-- that kind of stuff.
Now, from the standpoint on this project, the KPI was actually trying to make sure that everybody actually hit what they were trying to do. So because it's profit sharing, rather than having 70 separately bid projects. Maybe we make money on this one. Maybe we don't on this one. It's sort of self-contained.
And outside of just saving money on the actual process of the project, because you're just having to spend all this time setting up and then managing it, it's the stand up-- it's the thought of time. If it's the same crew all the way through, I'm not having to do project startup every single project and have that investment of time.
If anybody here enjoys meetings, or doesn't enjoy meetings, have you ever figured out, OK, we have five people in this room. We've sat here, and we've done nothing for an hour. This meeting has cost the project 10 grand. Just think of it that way. Just having the consistent team all the way through, that helps out from a standpoint of budget right there.
Now, on this, we're looking at our KPIs, trying to save money. If you're able to find better routing, you're able to save money on the actual work, then great. Now, we have a little bit more money to actually share amongst the team to work through that.
And because it works forward, on the next version of it, and next air handler unit, we start off at the same point. So again, we're able to save costs. We're able to found some more efficiencies. So we're looking at this, and then that raises from there.
Now, on the same set up of this, is anybody here familiar with I-C-R-A or ICRA? Couple people, OK. So what ICRA is, is that if you're doing work in a hospital, if you ever have gone through, and seen where it almost looks like a clean room-- like, guy's changing a light bulb, just a light bulb, and it looks like they've just isolated it as if there's a bacterial infection in that one little spot. That's essentially ICRA. So if I'm doing anything that can allow dust particles, dirt into a space, that's what ICRA is designed to combat against.
So let's say that we're doing the next project, and in the process of this, somebody sets off a fire alarm. Somebody is shown doing work without the proper containment. Well, that's a negative. And that, again, affects the overall set up of the entire project.
So you might be doing really good for three or four projects, and hit a little bit of a snag, and it lowers that. But it's still a continual flow of the KPIs. So hopefully on the next project, or the next aspect of this project, you're able to start from that point, find a couple of more successes, fix a few issues, and then move forward from that.
AUSTIN STONE: I'll give you one thing that we, at first, the team kind of struggled, not necessarily struggled with, but just the mindset of it was, OK, well, we're going to try-- as a CM, or a pipe fitter, or a sheet metal guy or the engineer, we've gotten in a meeting. We've gone through the ICRA standards. We've gone through contamination. We've gone through our process.
How do we-- I've done my checks and balances. But let's say if someone else didn't do it, and set the fire alarm off, or didn't have the right ICRA planning, yeah, we're all being affected. So it helped us all work as a team. Yes, there is some negativity and fighting, but we want to minimize that as much as possible. And how we do that is the next part of, actually, two slides.
As we go through Lean and IPD concepts, some of you may have seen different terminologies-- that is, pull planning, PPC tracking, and so forth, check-in sessions. On an IPD concept, you also see for IPD, the same Lean concepts are also over in IPD. However, there is other concepts within that.
And this list goes on and on, but the idea of this is Lean is a part of IPD. OK, think of it that they go hand in hand. There is Lean concepts that we've have implemented on this job. And this is a little different take on it, but this is what we have chosen. So on every job, and especially this job, and it's going to be every project within this job.
Bless you and bless you. We have chosen to scrap. That may be sheet metal. That may be plastics, whatever, in the job. And conventionally, that would usually, dollar amount, would go to an individual, or back to the owner, and so forth.
In this, how we looked at it is, based on our business terms and business agreement with the owner, we have chosen to go the take the dollars that we got back in the job through scrap, and minimizing and leaning out the job, and taking those plastics, metals, scrapping, turning them into cash, and then putting that cash into a fund for that Lean and IPD project.
So then what we were able to do is, we were able to provide training, have social interaction with the team, even down to apparel. We would provide shirts for the IPD team. And it really-- this may be a very basic slide, but this was a huge aspect on building our relationship between everybody on the team.
As we go through my IPD, this was invaluable of how we all interacted. Because now it wasn't, OK, you didn't do your job because you set the fire alarm off. Now, it was, OK, we're working toward the best goal. We're working toward the owner to provide the best product, and that is the end result.
So building type-- just give you a little overview of, actually, how this facility is set up. Within each level, there is an occupied and a service level. This building is-- the older side is extremely old, OK? How you used to use this, is the occupied is public space.
Service level, non-public, so this is ductwork, mechanical rooms, and so forth. This is literally a separate level, only key card access. But the only trouble with this, this is actually a truss system within that space. Walkability is extremely difficult.
And as we go through this process, we had to identify laser scanning and those next steps. Now, what we're going to go into, is this was extremely critical on selecting data and where it goes, as we're going to switch over to Peter.
PETER MARCHESE: So in terms of coordinating on the project, we're going to look at this from two different aspects. First one is coordinating stuff. So I've got my files, whether they're Word, they're Revit, they're site photos. So we're trying to figure out how we can make sure that everybody's on the same page with that.
The other one is actually coordinating our teams. How can we make sure that everybody, actually, is able to communicate with everyone else, I won't say correctly, but effectively? So if one person's not using email, another person never checks his email, but he's always checking instant messenger, finding something that works best for everybody.
Now, in terms of the different tools, we're going to look through a bunch of these. And we're not trying to say that this is the end-all be-all of tools. If we wanted to talk about all the tools that were available, we'd be here until next AU. So it's a couple of the ones that we're seeing used the most by our clients and what we focused on for these specific projects.
So for coordinating the data, one of the main things that we're looking at is security. So especially if we have new projects that this is sort of a confidential project, then we have projects that are for government. You need to make sure you're hitting those numbers. Other things you're looking at is how are we actually managing that, both from a secure, and as also just an IT standpoint.
Is it a private cloud, meaning that, our stuff is available online, but our data center is actually in our office. So we're using our own servers, are managing it that way. And then redundancy, so anybody here ever used a Revit file, and then the network goes down? And then what do you do? Can you save local and then sync afterwards?
Or what happens with that as things go bad? If you're out in the field, and then the Wi-Fi in the trailer goes away, how do you handle that? So within the different tools that we looked at, first one's Revit Server. And I'm saying local and the cloud on the one. Revit Server is a tool that is free for anybody who owns Revit. And you typically build it on a server in your office network on a WAN.
A lot of times people make a virtualized server that it runs on. I believe a year or two ago, and I can't remember if it was RTC or AU, there was actually a class that showed how to set it up in a Amazon Web server. So it's not necessarily meant for that, but you can do it. That's why I have it as both.
Now, the thing for Revit Server is that it's not the best unless-- it's not accessible to people outside of your office, unless you put it in the cloud. And that's not really what it's meant for. And from a security standpoint, we have clients that have multiple projects that are on a Revit Server.
Once I allow someone into that server, they see all the projects. So there's not that level of control. So if I am putting it in the cloud, now I have to have separate Revit Server cloud environments just to parcel it all. So things like that, we have to consider. How are we going to manage who can see what?
Then we start looking at things BIM 360 or C4R. And when I say 360, I realized there is like seven different versions of that-- Team, Docs, Plan. So I'm kind of using it focused on the Team because it connects with C4R. It is a little bit with Docs as well because, again, construction is not just Revit files.
For Team, it's basically, if you're in the project, you're in the project. You have the ability to manage the viewer-- manage people as a viewer. Or you can actually have them as an editor.
Docs is a little bit more akin to Buzzsaw. So if I want to have somebody only view this folder, only upload in this folder, you have a lot of range in terms of how you allow them access. And if your company is comfortable with development, it is possible to use Autodesk's Forge API to connect the two services to each other.
Cool, now, for OneDrive and SharePoint, I have two of those up there because they are technically separate things. Some people that are moving to 365 are only using one or the other. And the way that they store their content and actually allow it to be shared are a little bit different. But a lot of the things that you see for OneDrive are going to be similar to something like a Dropbox, a OneDrive, a Box.net or a Google Drive, same kind of idea.
So both of those-- reason why I'm saying both is, again, you can have that on-premise. So we have some clients that actually have SharePoint on-house, but they're not allowed to use the cloud. So they have a SharePoint Server running on their own personal servers. So that way, they have full management capabilities of it.
And then for Egnyte, or sorry, Panzura, that one's all on the cloud. Now Panzura is a hardware service. The thing with that, though, is that all of the content is actually stored on cloud servers. What you end up doing is caching content locally. So even though you can access it locally, that's not really where it lives.
I can pin specific things. Like, I always need these files. So regardless of how often I've gotten it, I want you to keep a cache in my office. So it's not having to download a 300 meg or a 30 gigabyte point cloud file every time I want to access it.
So it's kind of one of those things. Even though you do have a hardware thing in your office, it's not really there. It's actually pulling it and managing the speed from the cloud.
And then for Egnyte here, [COUGH] excuse me, same idea. You can have it sync locally. So if I want to have a server or sync locally to my drive, I can do that. But they're still managing all of the content from their servers.
So when I'm looking at things like this, how do I manage it? What's my redundancy? If the network goes down, can I save it? If I've saved it and the network comes back up, can I actually push it forward?
So those are things that I need to be very aware of, especially if we're talking construction projects. The access to the internet is almost mandatory, but that doesn't mean it's reliable. So we need to make sure that we had our plan B through Z to figure out what happens if because it's more likely going to happen at some point.
Now, from there, main thing, can we actually manage worksharing with any of these tools? Again, for Revit Server, that's a yes. That's what it's made for. C4R, that's what it's meant for, for BIM 360 Team, that's where we stand at. OneDrive and SharePoint, that's definitely going to be a no.
Can you put a Revit file, a Revit central file in them? Yes. Do you want to? No. So will it work? Maybe, kind of, depending how big the project is, but you're just asking for trouble. And it's just a matter of time before you end up having corruption issues with your files. So it's one of those things like, can you? I typically just say no, so I avoid the argument. It's possible, but it's not going to work out well for you.
Panzura actually is yes. That's one of the benefits of that service. The thing that you have to be aware of with some of these different things is that the more you have to use them, the more expensive they can get.
So let's say BIM 360 Team for C4R. For every single person who is editing Revit via that, you have to pay an entitlement for that person to access it. Now, you can take it away from one person and give it to another as the project teams adjust, but you do have to pay for that access.
Panzura is best if you have large groups of people in a few locations because it's an expensive hardware. You don't want to have small groups of people in a lot of locations because you're only going to need to buy essentially an accelerator for those spots. So it can, I don't want to say get out of hand, but it can get expensive very quickly.
And then for Egnyte, yes, with an asterisk. Technically, it can. However, I've talked to a lot of clients that have had a lot of issues with-- now, what's the right term. I always forget the right term for it.
Basically, it sees that there are two files there for the central file, and one doesn't line up with the other one. And it gives you a conflict copy. Supposedly, that was fixed in June. But the last time I heard from a client that had a lot of issues with this with August, so-- so technically, yes, but I wouldn't use it. So that's just me.
AUDIENCE: It's the calls that it makes.
PETER MARCHESE: Yeah. Now, in terms of team docs, what I mean by this is not, can it store team docs, but can I have multiple people actually working together on the project, on the documentation? So Revit Server, Revit BIM 360 for C4R, that allows multiple people to all work together via the cloud. So I can actually be in my file. You can be in your file. The three of us could all be working in the exact same thing.
But what about the other files? So if you want to be using a PDF, that's one of the great things about [INAUDIBLE]. I can have multiple people in the cloud editing that. If you're moving to Office 365, that's perfect. Me and Austin don't live that close to each other, so for a lot of this presentation, we would actually edit the PowerPoint at the exact same time via the cloud.
So if I'm really trying to focus on coordination and via colocation, I want to make sure that regardless of where people are that it's not just a, OK, I edit it, look at version 5, and then give me your feedback. I want to really have that kind of process where I can be in there editing something at the same time as others. So it really is a collaborative process. It almost ends up being like a whiteboard session from anywhere in the world.
Again, Revit Server? No, it's designed specifically for Revit, and that's really about it. The BIM 360/C4R, I can still work whatever I want on there. But I can't have multiple users edit at the same time. I can have multiple users do things like markups, but that's a different topic.
AUDIENCE: Is there any check-in, checkout for those files in--
PETER MARCHESE: They can be.
AUDIENCE: --in 360.
PETER MARCHESE: Oh, not in BIM 360, no. So with BIM 360 Docs, it's basically, I download, and I make changes, and I upload to the actual file itself. It's really more of a storage medium unless we're talking about a Revit file.
AUDIENCE: But you can't check it out, so somebody else can't. Anybody can download it, and override what it is that you just overwrote.
PETER MARCHESE: Yeah, now that's more of a drag and drop, if we're talking Word or Office. If we're talking an actual Revit file, the only way they can just upload something is if it really is just a Revit file that's been put up there to store. If you're using collaboration for Revit, there's a whole process to try to override it. So there is that protection mechanism there.
And for things like SharePoint and OneDrive, those do have the opportunity to create that check-in and checkout process. Any questions about anything so far? Cool.
Now, with folder permissions, everybody here probably has 300 different logins to different places, and probably three different passwords. So for this, keeping something that it's easy to remember that password, or you're only using one, like a single sign on. A lot of different services, what they're looking at, are ways to maintain a consistent profile or presence.
So everybody here is probably logged into the AU app. If you're also logging into your account management, or you're logging into BIM 360 Team or A360 Drive, it's the exact same profile, exact same username, and the exact same password. That's what I'm talking about with a single sign on. So rather than have to have all these different logins, let's actually manage this, and keep it a little bit easier to work with.
Again, Revit Server? No, I invite somebody onto that server, and that's pretty much it. They're there. BIM 360 and C4R, I say, varies, because, again, the Team side, it's very simplistic. Autodesk refers to it as a high trust environment, meaning that, if you're in there, I'd better trust you, otherwise there might be a problem.
BIM 360 Docs, however, I can say, I don't trust anybody. So here's just a folder, upload your stuff, and you can't see anything else. So you have that real granular control of commissions.
But you can set up a lot of these where they tie to your office login. So like OneDrive, SharePoint, Panzura can tie-in to that as well. So that way, if I login to my laptop here, it's the exact same login and password for the cloud services. So it's easier for me to administer.
And then for the markup side, again, when I say markups, especially when I'm talking about the OneDrive and SharePoint, a lot of this is going to depend on what I'm talking about marking up. So for Revit Server, again, no, it's really just a storage medium that allows multiple people to collaborate.
BIM 360 and C4R, yes, I can mark things up. I can draw on them. I can-- excuse me-- depending on the tool I'm talking about, create issues, assign that issue to a specific person, or assign the blame to a specific person.
Now, OneDrive and SharePoint, however, I have an asterisk because I can't do markups on anything. So if I'm using one of the mobile apps for that, then I can markup PDFs. But I'm not going to be opening up a Revit file in OneDrive and then putting clouds on things. I can put comments where that file is hosted, but I'm not actually marking up my Revit file. I'm not doing like [INAUDIBLE]. That would be where I'm doing something within 360.
So I'm looking for all of these different tools and seeing the benefits of each one. And where are possible, I'm trying to find consistency. I'm going to use all these, and it might be weak here, but rather than say, OK, if you need to markup here, go there. Then when you markup this, go there. And then if you want to markup that file, go there.
So I might accept a weakness just to find a consistent workflow that is easy to train everybody on. You're not going to have everybody on an entire project team locked in a room for an entire week just to learn how to edit Word files, or find where the software is. You want to give somebody a link, go there, and that's the end of it. Keep it really quick and easy to work with.
And then trying to coordinate it, then how do I actually access it while I'm running? Now, the multiple OS's, how many people here have an Android phone? Cool, how many people have a iOS phone? Anybody with a Windows phone? I was just curious.
So essentially, regardless of what tool you're using, you also want to make sure that no matter who you're working with, it's not walled off. I'm not going to tell someone, you have to buy this piece of hardware just to access the project, unless somebody's going to be giving me that hardware for them. More and more tools are becoming web-based, so they're platform agnostic that way.
But I also want to make sure that the tools that I'm going with do have a mobile version that works with whatever device anybody brings to the table. Do you use an iPhone? An iPad? Do you have an Android device? Use whatever you want as long as you have the right credentials and security permissions, login, and get to it.
And then the other thing again, we talked about redundancy. Can it work offline? Has anybody here ever used BIM 360 Field? OK, oh, a few, perfect. So essentially, one of the things with Field is it's designed to work offline.
You stop at a Starbucks and go to the site. You sync, and it pulls down data. You go in the subbasement where there's nothing, let alone light, do all your work, scan things, take notes, create issues, or do equipment checkouts. And when I come back up, and then I can sync that data back to the cloud.
So an app is great, if you're connected to the internet. But on the job site, if it doesn't work at all without that connection, it's not the most user-friendly or even useful. So it might not even be beneficial.
Bless you. So a lot of tools that I'm working with, I want to make sure that I don't have to be connected just to use it. I know I need to be connected to get the access to information. But I want to have the ability to read content. So things like BIM 360, yeah, I log in, as long as I've downloaded it before I get to the site, or before I lose my connection, it'll be cached on that device. So I'm good.
And then storage unit, yeah, how much do you want to pay these? So there is no consistent thing here. But the other thing here is can it can be upgraded? So what's the process of upgrading that?
So with something like Revit Server, if I'm doing the traditional way, where I'm creating a WAN in my Revit Server in my office, if I have to update that, am I going to have to go out a buy a new raft. Am I going to have to go out and buy new drives? If I'm using something that's online, can I just pay more and get access to it?
And another big thing is, am I paying just for the bandwidth of this? And I mean that, above and beyond, what I pay for my office's internet, so if I'm doing something like Panzura, Panzura doesn't actually host the content for you. They're sort of the middleman in some respects. So I might be doing Azure. I might be doing Amazon. I might be doing Google to actually host my content.
So in that case, OK, perfect. I've got Panzura. I can access it all. And we're doing a lot of work with laser scans, which means that I'm talking about gigabytes per file. Now, am I getting a huge bill every month just because I'm trying to download these constantly? Or am I just paying my regular fee for my [INAUDIBLE] and my internet. So those are things to keep in mind.
If I'm doing something like BIM 360, or SharePoint, or OneDrive, I'm just paying for how much space that I have. And things like BIM 360 Team, you get 500 gigs per paid user. I haven't run into anybody who's run out of space on that yet. BIM 360 Docs is technically-- Docs, Glue, and Field are technically unlimited. I haven't heard anyone make Autodesk cry about that yet either, so that's a challenge.
So when we look at all the different pieces that are available, what we ended up doing is trying to find the one thing-- trying to find the animation that doesn't show up-- trying to find the one tool that actually solved the most problems the best. Again, you can take this, and wrap it around the room with other tools or software. But we tried to actually look at the ones that we already had in-house.
So can we solve our problems with software we already own? Perfect, if we can, well, let's look at that. If we can't, then we start looking at additional software, different tools that are available, and then do a cost analysis between them.
In our case, we ended up going with BIM 360/C4R and with SharePoint. So that way, we can use tools that we already had access to. We can manage access. We could manage the versions very easily. And we could mark things up and access it from the field. Yes.
AUSTIN STONE: This was a critical [INAUDIBLE]. This was probably about a month and a half of just sheer data collection, process, and figuring out what the best solution was for the team. We actually collected, what kind of phones do you have? Do you have this kind of phone? Do you have Android? Do you have iPad? Windows?
And it really came down to [INAUDIBLE] the data that we collected was extensive. But we were able to basically aggregate that and figure out, OK, what is the best solution for the team moving forward.
Regardless, we had to have a mindset of we're not just here for six months, we're here for five years doing laser scanning, the same team going day in and day out, contractors doing construction in a health care facility. And it really was a critical path. The next segment that we're going to go into was even more crazy.
PETER MARCHESE: So if anyone here has ever tried to herd cats. So data is kind of easy.
AUDIENCE: Question about BIM 360.
PETER MARCHESE: Oh, sure, yeah, sorry. Yes.
AUDIENCE: So is it BIM 360, you've talked about how with Docs, you can have a lot of control over what's going on there. BIM Team, you would expect everybody to play nice. There's also Glue. There's also Ops-- all of these things. But so I've never BIM 360, but my understanding was like Docs was sort of the central repository that everything sort of fed into.
PETER MARCHESE: That's the goal.
AUDIENCE: Or are they really siloed?
PETER MARCHESE: OK, so question is you've got BIM 360 as an overall service. And within that service, you have Docs, Plan, Glue Field, APL, did I say Ops?
AUDIENCE: I think so.
PETER MARCHESE: And then Team, I think. I'm probably missing one or two other ones. But essentially, it's a whole big idea. The problem with the idea is that it's not fully together yet. So BIM 360 Team is over here. So if you want to connect it to the other ones, you can. But you have to use either Forge or a plugin that somebody else has already developed.
If anybody here is familiar with the Autodesk app store, there's a bunch of tools already on there for BIM 360 that will allow you to connect to the things like OneDrive, or to Egnyte, or other services. So if I want to actually have all my data in here, and I don't want to have to download and then upload. I can just say, send from here to there. So there are tools that allow you to do that.
Now, currently it is siloed, and the comment that you had about Docs is supposed to be the central model. That's the goal. Right now, Docs, I believe they just announced it last week, so it's not in data anymore is that Docs and Field are merging some respects.
PETER MARCHESE: So it's not fully there yet.
PETER MARCHESE: So there's still certain features that are only available in Field. But Docs will be the main dataset for the construction side of things. [COUGHS] Excuse me. So then Glue will follow suit, and then the other ones will connect to it. So that way it truly is not siloed. At the moment, there's silos and a couple of pipes, and some string, and some duct tape that connect the two together. But it's a work in progress.
AUDIENCE: Thank you for that.
AUSTIN STONE: And just quick, like 30 seconds, what we had was, on this health care facility, we are using [INAUDIBLE] Team, and Glue, and a portion of Docs. But we are actually going to be moving the entire IPD project over to the new BIM 360 that they just announced, which is Docs is the primary system and then Glue, Field, and so forth, tie in to that. So we are working in silos, but we have processes driven by how we implement it moving forward.
PETER MARCHESE: Work in progress.
PETER MARCHESE: Hopefully soon. So getting back to the [INAUDIBLE]. So one of the big things with dealing with the actual people on the proj, and I don't want to say necessary dealing with, but making sure that they're able to coordinate effectively. Looking at the different tools that we can use to actually talk back and forth, part of the really important part here is the ability to search.
So I know that I don't throw out any email just about. Because I know this one time I will throw it out, in three weeks I'm going to need to find what they sent me again. And I don't want to be that guy that constantly asks the same question over and over. So whether I'm looking at my email, whether I'm looking at a chat log, I want to have the ability to go and look back in time and say, well what did we say for this?
In some respects, it can almost be part of a legal documentation, almost like meeting minutes. So this is what we agreed to. This is what you said you would provide, that kind of information. Another thing is, are you able to archive this? Again, kind of going back to the legal side of things, if it's part of the project coordination and communication, I might need to legally have that off-site or off of-- as a archiver or record copy of what we were doing.
AUSTIN STONE: This was a-- when we were going through selection of attorney to represent all of us, this was a primary topic that came up of how we track comments, email, stuff like that, within an IPD team working together through five years. And this aspect was critical in moving the team toward a-- and actually if you read our agreement, which is not in the data set, but if you read our agreement, it does go over any digital form of communication.
PETER MARCHESE: So for the tools that we are looking at, Slack is very popular. We know Autodesk uses that. The free version of that saves 10,000 of your most recent messages. So again, we used SharePoint for the data side of things, and we're moving to 365 internally. So we're looking at using Microsoft Teams, not BIM 360 Team-- fun with the random technology name generator.
But we were using Microsoft Teams, which is similar to Slack, but ties into a lot of the other Office tools. So I can go to one location and have a communication between my team. I can then link in things from Power BI, Excel, Word because I can also attach web sites. I can also have a visual view inside of there that gives me a live view of the models that I've stored on BIM 360 Team. So I can have that one little spot that I go and I check on the status of my entire product.
So C4R Communicator, the reason why I'm saying no is that, number one, you can't search it. While you can archive it, you can save it down as a text file, it doesn't include images. And in order for me to search, I'd have to actually save it out just to try to find something. So it's a useful tool, if you're using C4R. But I wouldn't want to use it as my main method of communication 'cause if I have a project principle or team lead, they might not use Revit, so I don't want to say, you have to open up Revit just to communicate.
Oh, and Newforma, their whole claim to fame, in some respects, is their ability to do deep search on emails. So if you're putting in different files, whether it's PDF, whether it's Word, I can run through and search on that. So that's the main aspect of that service. And a lot of people still focus on using them for that just because I can find anything regardless of where it was.
And then cloud based, kind of the same idea that we were talking about before. Where is our content hosted? Do we have multiple layers of security? When you start putting things on a mobile device for communication, how do I control who can see what?
And again, right into the mobile, all of these, with the exception of the Communicator, do have mobile apps-- different levels of ability. Some of these are not going to have quite parity between Android and iOS. But all of them are going to have the ability, with the exception of C4R, to communicate from regardless of where I am.
Then, again, tied into the cloud side of things, can I at least review the content in there. Can I look at the past conversation without having to be online? 'Cause more than likely, I'm still going to end up somewhere without an internet connection, and now I have to find out, what did they tell me to do? So I want to make sure that it still is going to work on a mobile device without that connection. So I'm not sitting here making screenshots or having to copy/paste into something else.
And then security permissions-- all of these are going to work, and most of these will be able to tie into whatever your office or enterprise settings are. So again, something goes wrong, somebody loses their phone, it's not like you have to call Apple or Android. I can just call my IT director, and they can turn off that person's access, or limit that until we find where the phone is.
And screen sharing-- a lot of the times, when we're doing colocation, I need to show somebody what I'm looking at. Just being able to describe it or take a screenshot is not very useful in all aspects. So the ability to use the tool that we're working on here and say, OK, let me show you what I'm working on. This is the problem that we're running into. This is where the clash is. I want to go through this.
I put kinda for Slack because it can't do it out of the box, but there is a large amount of plugins that will let you connect to just about anything, and do almost anything you want with this service. So it is definitely possible, just, you have to realize that you need to add some things to it.
And then, again, C4R Communicator, I can do screenshots, but it's not going to allow me to share my screen within them. And in some cases, we're still using GoToMeeting because we already have that, and it keeps it simple. If we're doing it internally, we might use Teams or Skype. But externally, because we've already got that tool, we'll look at using that.
Then same thing, the video conferencing-- if I'm just asking questions, I want to show somebody something, then the screen share is perfect. But if we're trying to get large teams to work together, we probably want to actually see them.
It's a lot-- from our experience, you get a lot more done, if you can actually see the person at the other end. You're not just talking at a screen and hoping that he can hear you. So there's still that somewhat of a connection between the users. So we're trying to find an aspect of this that can allow you to talk to them.
And then the scheduling side of things-- again, the C4R Communicator I said kind of. BIM 360 Team, does have a calendar feature. I don't know many people who actually use it or even know it exists. So you can put content on there to make sure that everybody on that project understands the due dates or what the goals are.
But for the most part, everybody is using either Google Calendar, or they're using an Outlook calendar. Because everybody is already on that, and it ties into what we're using for our datasets, we end up looking at that one. So the big thing is making sure that we have something that can integrate with what we're looking at. If it were using scheduling tools like Microsoft Project, the more the better. So then we can actually link those two together as we update the project timeline that can, then, update information on people's calendars.
And again, same thing on this one, we focused on Slack, and we focused on Microsoft Teams. Those gave us the most bang for the buck. It was things that people were already very comfortable with, and in some cases, already using on different products. And in many cases, there was that customization that allowed us to work with it.
While Newforma's great for doing deep search on emails, if people are working correctly-- by correctly, I mean, don't send me a file in email because then I'm the only one who has it. How do I know what version it is? Is this the same version that's online? That's ineffective.
If you're using something like BIM 360 Team, or if you're using SharePoint, I can actually share the file with the link. So it takes me to where I need to be, but it's consistent for the entire team. Having that kind of a workflow removes the need to search for files in my email because it's in that central location that everybody should be going to, and everybody should be working with. Yes.
AUDIENCE: What was that kind of in the Slack column? [INAUDIBLE]
PETER MARCHESE: Oh the kinda on that is that Slack as a service on its own, by default, doesn't have that ability. However, Slack does have the ability to tie in a lot of different-- a lot of third party tools or plugins. So while it can't do it on its own, in some cases, you can use free tools that enhance that ability. So think of it like a plugin in Revit. I can't do this, but somebody wrote this little code. I hit that button, and now it works.
PETER MARCHESE: Oh, I have no idea. We didn't use that part of Slack.
PETER MARCHESE: Sorry. I know it can do it, but we didn't use that part. Now, in terms of all this communication, one of the big things was actually taking advantage of getting people in the same spot.
AUSTIN STONE: So this is the-- big room conversations are quite drastic when you consider a space. And when we think about programming, or laying out of a typical space, we've walked through different scenarios of a facility-- where we should select that big room to go, do we have space? Does it have to go on a trailer? Does it have to go out on-site? Does it have to go off-site? Those kind of conversation had to happen early on.
This is actually a picture of, actually, our big room. Now, what I'm actually going to do is a little conventional, our room is not perfect. And what I've done here is I've listed every single thing that, if I had to change our big room, this is what it is, OK? No columns in the room-- we are finding that if there is a column, if you're having a conversation, you're going to have to peek around the corner.
Or how the tables get laid out in a space-- this big room is not just a whole bunch of tables. There could be a smaller table in the back. There could be a larger table. It's multiple configurations.
In our case, we are on the floor of the facility that is currently not fit out. We don't have a ceiling. It gets extremely loud. When we get 40 people in a room, it gets loud, OK?
We actually have-- we call it Elmoing. We actually have an Elmo doll in this big room, and whenever someone gets loud, or an area, we literally throw the Elmo toward that area of the room. They know, you gotta quiet down or that question, we're going to parking lot it. And that's just a fun and engaging kind of process that we go through.
Right now, we actually have two LED screens and one projector. If we had to change this, it would be three projectors, three screens, OK? With that, we would set up at a quick exchange system that when you're plugged in-- let's say, if I was plugged with my laptop and Peter was, I can hit a button, and it switches back and forth, OK? That is critical.
There can never be enough whiteboards. We learned this very early on. If I had to do it again in a planning standpoint, I wouldn't have bought whiteboards, I would have just painted all the walls with the whiteboard paint and had the ability to be able to markup on any area of the space.
So when we had this big room conversation, we also have laser scanning going on at the facility. Laser scanning, we're talking, on average, currently right now, we have over 300 gigs in laser scans, OK? And we're only a year and a half in, OK? So you're talking terabytes of information. And that's why we walked through that data collection, and commenting, and where does the data get stored.
Now, the process that we actually went through was, we were selecting subcontractors, trade partners, to get on board, and scan the space. They were using the FARO system. I think they were using the 130 system. They've now gone down to the M70. But internally, we've actually gone the route of the BLK360. We just got it in about a month ago.
The process that we actually chose was, HSC and the IPD team would collect the information on that project. We would go through this master planning study on that-- maybe that one air handling unit or that renovation job in that one specific part of the building. And at that point, we would start scanning that area.
Now, at the same time, we would go through a process, we actually chose to select Microdesk. But we went through this process of, we knew we had these scans. But how do we actually leverage them?
And when I kind of walk through this myself, of trying to figure out, OK, I have to have an IPD team continue along a design path with a point cloud. How do I not allow them to have downtime, or waiting on a point cloud to come back to them? So what we did is we actually split this into two different segments. And actually, Peter's going to talk about that.
PETER MARCHESE: So essentially, in order to make sure everybody was working consistently, what would end up happening is the point cloud would get sent to the design teams, and it would also get sent to our team. Our team would then focus on specific aspects of the model because everything needs to be modeled. We're only focusing on what is required for the project at hand in the specific situation.
So in little example here, they would end up taking the air handling unit, and start lining it up, and laying it out within the point cloud data. So we would take the point cloud of the ReCap. ReCap would go into Revit, AutoCAD, Navisworks, whatever they needed to actually get the job done. We would then be in Revit with the same point cloud and then modeling certain points. So in this little example, we have got the walls, and we've got the structure. We don't care about the MEP on that one.
Once we actually have something that we can deliver, so we've modeled what we were required to for that specific aspect, they've already-- they've been able to keep working, and then we can integrate the two together. So then they are able to do their documentation. They're able to line things up and work off of that.
AUSTIN STONE: At this same point, once that point cloud and Microdesk's model came back in, it was using the same system. So we selected our system, go through that data collection. We'd identify an area. And it was simultaneously, as soon as they uploaded, our team knew, OK, there's an upload. It automatically linked it into our models.
We actually had a dummy Revit file that was set that had the same naming convention linked in, but it was a blank file. And all Microdesk had to do is overwrite it. And it fed right into our system, and then we continued on.
PETER MARCHESE: So we did all the groundwork beforehand and made sure that it was a seamless process once we had something that we could share with the rest of the team. And part of this process was actually showing the scan [INAUDIBLE], and then being able to host that online so anybody with a web browser could view the content. Again, it was accessible from the web, from mobile. It can marked up. It can be viewed in query. And then it could also be edited from anywhere in the world with C4R.
AUSTIN STONE: Yeah, and wrap up, OK?
PETER MARCHESE: Any questions?
AUSTIN STONE: Yeah, go ahead.
AUDIENCE: How many projects have you had the opportunity to participate in IPD?
AUSTIN STONE: IPD? HSC, we only have three.
AUDIENCE: Very impressive, you're very thorough, well thought out. Kudos to you guys--
AUSTIN STONE: I would have to say that at the first two-- that where we are now with this project N is what we have learned on the first two. As an owner-- I'm speaking-- and for those who-- raise the hands of owners. Any of you in the group?
PETER MARCHESE: Don't want to admit it now.
AUSTIN STONE: They don't want to-- exactly. You have to have that mindset of early on, the best planning is possible. Your first project is not going to be perfect, but you will learn. And as long as you set up those Lean methodologies using that-- the term that we used was, basically, taking Lean examples of scrap on the job recyclables, and bringing that back to the team.
And that was the game changer because the morale really went down as someone set a fire alarm off, or there was a leak for piping that wasn't supposed to be turned off, or whatever it may be. And then once we started adding to your-- hey, guess what? You don't need to bring lunch today. We're going to provide you lunch.
That was a key motive to everybody to come work together. Or we're going to give you training. We're going to give you apparel. And that was really a-- that was a game changer. And that's where it really started benefiting. Go ahead.
AUDIENCE: I do have a question, which I see there being incredible efficiency when you have repeated projects over a period of time. You've selected one team working an IPD process that they just get better and better and better as you go along. With the transparency of IPD, from what I understand it, everything is open book. So you see all their financials. You know exactly what their costs are.
But is there, I mean, I can see some financial and complexities happening as you go further along 'cause now the owner is seeing like, oh, well, our target value design on this project was this. But now, we're starting to see that we can actually do it lower. So now, the owner is maybe squeezing the overall target value lower. And these teams, historically-- I have background as an architect too-- the architects and the contractors make a lot of their money out of the waste that's in the process.
AUSTIN STONE: That is true. But what we-- we actually set up, for our job, our project is an 80/20 shared profit. So 20% of shared savings goes back to the owner. 80% gets split between that entire team. And that, every job, before it-- so project one of that building completes. We sit down with the owner, go through it. OK next one, we sit down, go through it. Those same conversations happen every single time.
The big concern was, when you have-- as an architect, you may have, OK, I'm trying to drive for the cheapest costs. Sometimes people think, oh, that cheapens the materials you used or the actual facility. Realistically, it provides a-- once you have a team on board, it provides a next level-- next generation of how we build a building, not necessarily a cheaper product, but actually a more efficient product.
And that's just-- it's a learning experience. It really is. From what we've seen, it really is geared to how we have those owner meeting before every job or every project. And that's just what we've seen.
PETER MARCHESE: You had a question?
AUDIENCE: I was just kind of curious to how do you get in the party that really, what I think, benefits the most right now in a traditional process. They're giving up a lot of their profit. How do you talk them into it?
AUSTIN STONE: No, so you're talking about poly-party agreement, right?
AUSTIN STONE: OK, so for those who don't know what that actually is, in a legal standpoint, there are agreements, and then there's poly-party agreement. That is one agreement signed on every party. And party is an architect, engineer, trade partner, consultant. We sign one agreement. Where it changes is when you apply KPI to it.
And early on, an owner is dictate-- again, that knowledge is coming from an owner. They are saying, hey, guess what? You're going to get 80% of the profit based on shared savings. However, I am putting rules and regulations on that through KPI. And that scares people to a level that I can't explain, but it's a matter of--
PETER MARCHESE: It's a loss of control.
AUSTIN STONE: Yeah, it's--
PETER MARCHESE: I'm putting my faith that I'm going to need-- I'm going to do everything perfectly, but because this guy keeps screwing up, I'm not making anything.
AUSTIN STONE: Yeah, now, there are, within that agreement, if you're-- if there is a party that does not comply, and that could be an individual, OK? So let's say if there is an individual that does not have the mindset of IPD, does not communicate, does not strive for the best opportunity for the owner, you can actually have them removed from that job. And that is in the agreement.
PETER MARCHESE: It's got a lot of protections built in [INAUDIBLE].
AUSTIN STONE: And there is different aspects of how that can be implemented. Again, it's very, very scary, and I understand that. And I've gone through it, and it is a process. But it is a process of learning. And I truly believe IPD will adapt, and turn into just a norm. It won't be called-- it won't be called-- maybe, it won't be called IPD in 50 years. But it will be a norm of how project delivery is kind of assessed.
AUDIENCE: [INAUDIBLE] everybody to finally work as a team in this way. You share reward with the risk.
AUSTIN STONE: With the risk, yeah. So and that's what we've seen. So now, hopefully all of you got some good amount of data in this. So thank you, again.
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