- Learn how information from Infraworks can be leveraged with economic decision making.
- Understand how feasibility and planning decision support can be linked and integrated with the design and visualization process
- Elucidate the benefits of using the same model, methodologies and data through planning, design, and stakeholder engagement stages of a project
- Learn from a case study of stormwater management using grey and green infrastructure for the public benefit
- JPJohn ParkerJohn C. Parker is the Chief Economist and Co-Founder of Impact Infrastructure. John as over 30 years of experience as an economist. John led the Canadian economics business for an international architecture and engineering company, where, with Impact Infrastructure's co-founders he pioneered the development of the the Sustainable Return on Investment (SROI) framework. John has worked in the green infrastructure, stormwater, building, transportation, health care, sustainability, risk, and energy consulting areas as well as the risk management software and financial services sectors. John has an M.Phil., on Economics from Oxford University, and a B.A. (Hons.), Economics, from University of Western Ontario. He is an ISI Envision Sustainability Professional.Wilfred Hsu is an environmental engineer with over 19 years of experience in stormwater management projects in California. He specializes in stormwater quality management, green infrastructure and BMP design, hydrologic and hydraulic analyses, preparation of stormwater management plans, water quality analysis, TMDL implementation, and NPDES compliance.
- WHWilfred HsuWilfred Hsu is an environmental engineer with CH2M with over 19 years of experience in stormwater management projects in California. He specializes in stormwater quality management, hydrologic and hydraulic analyses, preparation of stormwater management plans, green infrastructure and BMP design, water quality analyses, TMDL implementation, and NPDES compliance.