- Learn how to overcome limitations of AutoCAD software’s configurations with some simple AutoLISP code.
- Discover the powerful role standards play in enabling automation via AutoLISP.
- Learn how to capitalize on AutoLISP to check, apply, report, and maintain company standards.
- Learn how to create AutoLISP code that adapts to project, client, or user preferences while preserving company standards (and your sanity).
- Chris LindnerChris is an experienced user and AutoCAD Certified Professional. He has used AutoCAD in a wide range of industries and applications architectural, structural, post-frame, technical illustration, training, programming, etc. Chris is owner & consultant with onebutton cad solutions (www.onebuttoncad.com). He has consulted for notable companies such as Kroger, LBrands, Abbott Labs, and Huntington Bank. He has been a top-rated speaker at events like Autodesk University and Midwest University. Chris was an AutoCAD Mentor, aiding Autodesk users who submitted online help requests, and is currently a member of elite team of experts for providing online support for AutoCAD. He has served multiple terms as a board member for AUGI, the world's largest CAD & BIM User Group. Chris resides in central Ohio with his wife, Sonia, and while "off the clock", he enjoys reading, hiking, camping, gardening, and tinkering on the 1966 International Scout which he's owned since high school.
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