In this intermediary class I will discuss the theory behind my workflow for shading and texturing environments, props, and characters. These techniques can be used to texture any high-resolution object, whether for visual effects, animated films, video game cinematics, or even architectural work. We will discuss shaders, as well as available methods for applying textures to your models. We will also cover pattern creation methods, from procedurals to hand-painted textures to photo manipulation. We will focus on how to efficiently shade thousands of individual objects without having to spend a lot of time UV shading everything (although we will touch on UV shading). Many of the examples will use 3ds Max software, Mudbox software, Chaos Group's V-Ray rendering engine, and Adobe Photoshopbut you can apply the principals discussed to the 3D app, paint application, and renderer of your choice.
- Learn how to choose which texturing method to use for each specific situation
- Learn lots of tips and tricks
- Gain a better understanding of procedural shading and paint
- Learn how to quickly texture many objects
- NBNeil BlevinsNeil Blevins began his career in traditional painting and drawing before getting into 3D graphics while living in his home country of Canada. After getting a BFA in design art, Neil moved to Los Angeles where he worked for Blur Studio, creating graphics for video games, commercials, and television, as well as for feature and ride films. For the last 12 years Neil has worked as a digital artist for Pixar Animation Studios in San Francisco. In his spare time he makes science-fiction 3D/2D hybrid artwork, he authors tools, and he writes art-related lessons and tutorials for his website.
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