AU Class
AU Class
class - AU

Transforming the Consumer Experience with Mass Customization



Come and hear how using Forge can help you on your journey towards creating a transformative consumer experience based on mass customization.


  • Learn about mass customization
  • Learn about implementation of a mass customization solution
  • customers using Forge to implement a mass customization solution
  • Learn about a Forge case study


  • Lior Gerling
    Lior Gerling, Product Manager, Forge Machine Learning Platform, and Forge solutions to ManufacturingI joined Autodesk 2 years ago as a Product Manager for Forge Platform for Manufacturing and the Design Graph, Autodesk’s first machine learning service. My goal is to bring machine intelligence to Autodesk products and make our customers successful with machine learning innovation.Prior to Autodesk, I worked in various companies and organizations as the Ministry of Defense, Applied Materials and Accellion, bringing 15 years of product management experience in the areas of Cloud (SaaS), Platform, Manufacturing, Data Analysis, Collaboration, Mobile, and Web.
  • Anurag Sharma
    Anurag Sharma is a business leader at Autodesk focusing on cloud platform business strategy, planning and execution for new business and growth initiatives.