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December 5, 2022

Best of AU 2022 Awards: Top-Rated Classes and Speakers


AU is about ideas. It’s about innovation. It’s about finding better ways—and different ways—to design and make. And that starts with our speakers—the industry professionals who share their insight and expertise with their peers in AU learning sessions. From bold predictions to hard lessons learned, unique insights to frank conversations, classes are the core of the AU learning experience.  

The Best of AU 2022 Speaker Awards celebrate top presenters in each class format, with multiple winners in each category based on industry and a category specifically for Autodesk-led classes. In addition to the winners in our First-Time Speaker category, five first-time speakers took top honors in the other categories this year. Winners were selected based on class survey data and attendee comments. To be eligible, speakers had to submit all required class materials and meet a minimum survey response rate. 

A huge thanks to everyone who took the time to prepare their class and share their knowledge at AU 2022 in New Orleans. Put your hands together for the Best of AU 2022! 


Top-Rated First-Time Speakers 

Architecture, Engineering, & Construction

Civil 3D Templates: Restructuring for Collaboration and Maximum Efficiency  
Michael Pavlovec – GHD 
Randall Brook (co-speaker) GHD 

Product Design & Manufacturing 

Vault Within a Regulated Industry: Regulate Your Vault!  
Ray O Mahony – Symetri 

Product Design & Manufacturing 

Simple, Fast, and Error-Free Design-To-Manufacture Workflows with Autodesk Fusion 360 
Matthew Swabey - Bechtel Innovation Design Center, Purdue 


Top-Rated Industry Talks 


From Drawings to Data 
Håvard Vasshaug - Reope 
Harsh Kedia (co-speaker) - Reope 

Architecture, Engineering, & Construction 

The Return of the Superb Guide to Easy Revit 
Rina Sahay - Fishbeck 
Nauman Mysorewala (co-speaker) - PC Troubleshooters, Jenkins/Gales & Martinez, Inc. 

Product Design & Manufacturing 

The ETO to CTO Journey 
Mischa Van Brandwijk - Cadac Group 
Dennis Vriese (co-speaker) - Cadac Group 
Marcel de Goey (co-speaker) - Cadac Group 


Leading Effective Change 
Josh Nelson - Purdue University 


Top-Rated Case Studies 


All the Rumors Are True: How AR Transforms Construction Delivering 9x ROI 
Coral Butler - PM Group 
Waleed Zafar (co-speaker) - XYZ Realty 

Architecture, Engineering, & Construction 

Automating the New Government Quarter in Norway 
Morten M. Ræder - Nordic Office of Architecture / Team Urbis 
Håvard Vasshaug (co-speaker) - Reope 

Product Design & Manufacturing 

A Case Study: Marvin Windows-From Marvin Docs to Autodesk Vault, and Back 
Kimberley Hendrix - D3 Technologies, LLC 
Caleb Heppner (co-speaker) - Marvin 
Chancellor Kurre (co-speaker) - D3 Technologies, LLC 

Media & Entertainment 

From Maya and Unreal to Virtual Presence: The Epic Games Lab Case Study 
Nimrod Friedmann - Theia Interactive 
Heiko Wenczel (co-speaker) - Epic Games 


Top-Rated Technical Instructions 

Architecture, Engineering, & Construction 

Taming Parametric Curved Geometry in Revit Family Editor 
Paul Aubin - Paul F. Aubin Consulting Services, Inc 

Architecture, Engineering, & Construction 

I Shipped My Scripts: Awesome Strategies for Sharing Dynamo Graphs 
John Pierson - Parallax Team 

Product Design & Manufacturing 

Hybrid PDM, PLM and ERP: Sync Data Between Cloud and On-Premises Systems 
Christian Gessner - COOLORANGE  


Top-Rated Product Demos 


Digitize Key Construction Processes with Autodesk Build 
Carolina Fong Guzzy – Accienta 

Architecture, Engineering, & Construction 

Grading Optimization: Making Choices That Benefit Automatic Grading 
Russ Nicloy - MACER Technologies, Inc. 

Product Design & Manufacturing 

Design, Develop, Deploy: Create Revit Content from Inventor Designs 
Mark Flayler - IMAGINiT Technologies 


Top-Rated Panels 

Architecture, Engineering, & Construction 

Latin@s in Design Technology 
Argelia Barcena – Gensler 
Mercedes Carriquiry (panelist) - Slantis 
Thesla Collier (panelist) – Gensler 
Cesar Escalante (panelist) - Autodesk 
Nash Reyes (panelist) - HMC Architects 

Architecture, Engineering, & Construction 

Beyond One Gender-The Power of Diversity and Inclusion 
Shir Erlich – Microdesk 
Tenille Bettenhausen (panelist) – Microdesk 
Mackenzie McCulloch (panelist) - Lamar Johnson Collaborative 
Shivani Soni (panelist) - Symetri
Mallary White (panelist) - Microdesk
Luc Wing (panelist) – Microdesk 


Top-Rated Roundtable Discussions 


How to Write a Business or Strategy Plan as a New BIM/VDC Manager? 
Mirra Maheden - MLC Digital Solutions 

Architecture, Engineering, & Construction 

Women Leadership in BIM Standardization and Implementation 
Vijaya Venkata - Khatib & Alami Engineering Consultants  


How to Train Your Drafter: Develop Your User Engagement Plan 
Beth Evanoo - Hord Coplan Macht 


Top-Rated Autodesk-led Classes 

Architecture, Engineering, & Construction 

Investigating the Geotechnical Modeler in Civil 3D
Samuel Lucido 

Product Design & Manufacturing 

How Can We Design Sustainability into Additive Manufacturing? 
Kieran Mak  
Ryan Abel (co-speaker) 


Hacking the Industry-Academic Partnership: A Hands-On Workshop 
Fabiola Clayton 
Nhut Ho (co-speaker) – California State University, Northridge 


While the sessions above took top honors, many other speakers also received high ratings while meeting the criteria for eligibility, and we want to recognize their achievement:


Congratulations to all our winners! On top of these amazing sessions, explore hundreds of additional AU 2022 sessions online for free.




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