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January 27, 2021

Best of AU 2020 Speaker Awards

Best of AU 2020: Speaker Awards

Great speakers are an essential part of the AU learning experience. They inform and inspire, helping others discover new possibilities on their professional journey. AU wouldn't be AU without them. We’re excited to present the classes and speakers that took top honors at AU 2020, our first global digital event attended by more than 100,000 professionals. 

Top Session Overall

Marcello Sgambelluri

8 Yrs’ Worth of Dynamo and Revit Classes from 1 Speaker in 60 Min Volume 2

Top On-Demand Video Session - Americas

Donnie Gladfelter

AutoCAD Tips, Tricks, and Dazzling Drafting Techniques

Top On-Demand Video Session - Europe, Africa, Middle East

Carolina Ramírez with co-speaker Fernando Valderrama

Casos y Usos de Gestión Datos BIM

Top On-Demand Video Session - Asia Pacific

Mr. Ryuji Taniguchi with co-speaker Mr. Eiichi Takagi


Top Live Session (Q&A, Panel, or Roundtable) - Americas

Anthony Renteria with panelists Alistair Fox, Nigel Stroud, Stephen Brockwell, Adam Sjödin, and Jeff Siegel

BIM and GIS Integration: Panel Dialogue on Innovating Projects into Operation

Top Live Session (Q&A, Panel, or Roundtable) - Europe, Africa, Middle East

Jonathan Hand

The BIM 360 Surgery Live: 45 Tips in 45 Minutes

Top Live Session (Q&A, Panel, or Roundtable) - Asia Pacific

Shahansha Shaik with co-speaker Ashuthosh Sabnis

Automate Boring Stuff in Autodesk Using RPA (Robotic Process Automation)

Top Autodesk On-Demand Video Session

Jerry Bartels with co-speakers Alan Gilbert and Jeff Bartels

Civil 3D: Tips, Tricks, and Unnatural Acts

Top Autodesk Live Session (Q&A, Panel, or Roundtable)

Aaron Vorwerk with co-speaker Chris Aquino

Seamless Revit Collaboration (and More!) with BIM 360 Design

Top Autodesk Session Engagement

Tomasz Fudala with co-speaker Aaron Vorwerk

Generative Design in Revit for Workspace Layout

Top Session Engagement - English Language

Maria Montgomery with co-speaker Jason Diamond

The Revit Dirty Dozen: 12 Things to Not Do in a Revit File and How to Fix It

Top Session Engagement - Chinese Language

Yuqing Liang 梁裕卿


Top Session Engagement - Japanese Language

Masa Narita

Modeling STAR WARS ~46才でサラリーマンから転職した日本人の挑戦 (with English subtitles)

Top Session Engagement - Russian Language

Alexandr Popov

Расширения BIM360Docs для строительной площадки

Top Session Engagement - French Language

Jean-François Vilette

Le BIM caténaire après deux ans d’implémentation chez SNCF Réseau

Top Session Engagement - German Language

Norman Roith

Inventor - Tipps und Tricks

Top Session Engagement - Spanish Language

Alvaro Palacio Cortes

BIM y el Gemelo Digital. Objetivo: cero desviaciones en proyectos

Please put your hands together for our AU 2020 award winners, including these additional speakers and co-speakers whose classes also received high marks for engagement:

Additional 50 speakers

AU 2020 was our first global digital event, so our speaker awards are a bit different this year, based on metrics that reflect global attendee interest and engagement. Here's how we determined the winners:

Award eligibility and criteria

AU 2020 awards are given by region and language. We’re also recognizing both on-demand and live content, with both eligible for engagement awards.

To be eligible for any AU 2020 award, a class must include all the required elements: a video (live or on demand), a handout, and a presentation. And a given class was only eligible in one category, so if it qualified in more than one category, it received the award in the category where it had the biggest lead.

Award categories

AU overall
This award goes to the class with the highest average score based on class page views, attendance numbers (live), video views (on demand), bookmarks, comments, and recommendations.

On-demand sessions
To select our winners for top on-demand sessions, we looked at a combination of video views and engagement scores, which reflect how much of the particular class video each viewer watched.

Live sessions
More than 350 live sessions were presented at AU 2020, including class Q&As, panels, and roundtables. Winning sessions were determined by attendance numbers and the volume of live questions and comments, or other live engagement.

Session engagement
On-demand and live sessions were both in the running for engagement awards. Winning sessions were determined using an average score based on page views, recommendations, and class page comments. Awards are given by language, to account for varying audiences.

Autodesk-led sessions
We also want to recognize our top Autodesk speakers who take the time to share what they know at AU. These are often the folks who create the tools you use and help companies get the most from them. The same criteria described for each category above apply here.

Congratulations to this year’s winners!

As we celebrate these speakers, we also want to mention that it’s not too soon to start thinking about the class you might teach at an upcoming AU conference.

Want more? You can explore hundreds of new AU 2020 classes on demand to help you advance your skills and reach your professional goals.




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