Managing Tickets

Are You Slackers? BIM 360 Ops for Slack

Jason Winstanley |01 Aug, 2017

Coming soon…

Does your organization use Slack to make work happen? If so, building occupants can now file Ops tickets in Slack using the BIM 360 Ops app and the /ticket command.

To get started, as a (co)owner, you can install the BIM 360 Ops Slack application by clicking Add to Slack on the Portfolio Settings page. Doing so will add the BIM 360 Ops bot to the Slack team you choose.

Building occupants can then type /ticket in any channel to create a new ticket. /cancel-ticket cancels the command. Occupants can enter any ticket description or choose from the list of Quick Tickets for the Portfolio. They can select a building from their favorites or a list of buildings for the Portfolio. Once the ticket is submitted, they will receive a link in Slack to the ticket in Ops. We will automatically match the email address associated with the Slack account of an Occupant to their account in Ops or create one. Updates to the ticket appear in Slack.

To help keep things clean in Slack, BIM 360 Ops creates a private channel for all communication.

Integrate Ops with Slack now to make it even easier for Occupants to file tickets.

This integration is only available in paid portfolios.