The Autodesk Corporate Real Estate, Facilities, Travel, Safety and Security (CREFTS) team manages over two million square feet of space in 38 countries with a staff of 200. We use BIM 360 Ops for asset management. These are our favorite reports.
Most frequently used reports
- Number of Tickets by Assigned Technician, broken down by Action Category
- Number of Tickets by Priority, broken down by Action Category
- Number of Tickets by Building, broken down by Status
- Number of Tickets by Building, broken down by Overdue
- Number of Tickets by Building, broken down by Type
Our facilities managers save their reports and set monthly reminders. We download reports as spreadsheets for quarterly business reports.
How to set up these reports
Here are the steps to create these reports yourself.
- Apply a portfolio filter to focus the view to only buildings or categories that you wish to see
- Look at a list of tickets that you want to graph. In the upper right corner, click on the graph icon to view this list as a graph
- Click on the sort option directly below Select to group the data as you like
- Break the graph down further by clicking on the list below the sort
- Save the view or export the ticket data to a spreadsheet by clicking on the icon in the upper right corner of the graph
- Once you have saved a view, schedule a reminder to be sent to you by clicking on the @ symbol on the saved view tile