• Right On Track: 5 Innovative Trends that Showcase the Future of Rail

    Rail has come a long way since James Watt introduced a method of transforming steam power into a circular motion back in 1763. With the invention of steam engines and a growing network of railroad tracks, the railway industry quickly became an economic boon throughout the world, moving goods and people on a mass scale. It…

  • The New Bridge Design: Building Before Building

    Estimated Reading Time: 5 minutes Colas SA is using BIM for virtual planning and construction of the Rivière des Galets Bridge on Reunion Island. Autodesk software—including ReCap, Civil 3D, Revit, 3ds Max, Navisworks, and BIM 360—is helping the firm and all the project stakeholders better plan, coordinate, and carry out construction. Rivière des Galets bridge…

  • How Civil 3D Tackles Tomorrow’s Challenges Today

    Estimated Reading Time: 4 Minutes A rapidly growing population, resource constraints, and an urgent need for climate-resilient infrastructure… civil engineers and architects face a host of challenges as we approach the next decade. But what if you had to build a city for 600,000 in less than six months right now? At a time when…