What’s New in ReCap Pro 2025.1
As technology evolves, so does the need for more precise and flexible tools for designers and civil engineers. Autodesk ReCap Pro 2025.1 brings a host of new features and improvements…
What’s New
Roadway Design in Civil 3D – Learning Series Part 5: Roadway Corridors
Corridor models integrate numerous design elements of a roadway section. In major road projects, digital tools are especially critical for efficiently handling these models that bring together alignments, profiles, and…
JMT Improves Productivity and Collaboration with Model Coordination
Model Coordination elevates civil design throughout the entire project lifecycle Through Model Coordination available with Autodesk BIM Collaborate Pro, Johnson, Mirmiran & Thompson (JMT) brings engineers working in the vertical…
Customer Success
Discover the AEC Data Model: The First Step in Open AEC Data
For decades, the AEC industry has been bound to file formats as well as unstructured and siloed data — a constraint that has necessitated the creation of time-intensive workarounds and…
Roadway Design in Civil 3D – Learning Series Part 4: Assemblies and the Subassembly Composer
Assemblies and sub-assemblies are the building blocks of roadway design. As road demands become more complex, the ability to detail varied roadway sections is vital for effective transportation infrastructure design…
What’s New in Civil 3D 2025.1
Save time and enhance civil engineering design with user-driven improvements and key integrations From faster performance in corridors and surfaces to enhanced features for roadway and rail design, Civil 3D…
What’s New