Autodesk recently released the Dynamo Extension for Advance Steel 2019, which helps structural engineers drive the geometry and behavior of Advance Steel elements from Dynamo. The Dynamo Extension for Advance Steel adds the functionalities of Dynamo to Advance Steel, to help you…
In this post of the Structural Precast series, I will cover the Mounting Parts functionality. Structural Precast Extension for Revit has a tool (Mounting Parts) that automatically adds grout tubes, extra rebars, electrical sockets, cable ducts, or other model components to the…
Three months ago, I published the Structural Design Dynamo package, which supports various structural workflows in Dynamo and Revit. I shared some example scripts based on the package. I also taught a class at AU on this subject. Since that time, many…
When the average engineer thinks of CFD (computational fluid dynamics), they think of many manufacturing applications: pumps, valves, electronics cooling, etc. At its foundation, CFD covers any thermal and fluids dynamic related matters. If you look around your room today, you’ll notice…
Back in September, we shared that Autodesk technology partner Symetri would deliver the reinforcement extension capabilities within Revit Extensions as part of their Naviate Rebar Extension. They have now released this functionality. We are excited to have this agreement in place with Symetri to…
Tailor-made content brings improvements to native Revit functionality, making projects even faster from the start No stone is unturned as companies in the construction industry seek productivity and efficiency gains. To compete at the local, national and global levels, contractors are leveraging…