• Disruptive Civil Engineering Opportunities

    Virtual Reality, Artificial Intelligence, Data (IoT), Code, Cloud, Civil Engineering. Which one doesn’t belong? They all belong and a couple more—BIM, BEM, Automation, Parametric Modeling. Our world is fast becoming a place where everything that can be coded will be coded. The physics…

  • Foresight: Land Surveying Reimagined

    As surveyors, our “foresight” is the last reading taken before changing the instrument to the next position. It is something our profession has done for over 4700 years dating back to the Egyptians, the first practicing professional land surveyors. While the ”backsight”,…

  • Autodesk Structural Precast Extension for Revit

    Announcing Autodesk Structural Precast Extension for Revit 2018, a notable step toward the future of automatically making structural things

    Autodesk brings into play a new automated workflow for the precast concrete industry. The Autodesk Structural Precast Extension for Revit 2018 provides access to powerful tools for automatic rule-based segmentation, reinforcement, shop drawings and CAM files generation of precast concrete planar elements.…

  • Free Form Rebar Distribution in Revit 2018.1

    A new type of Rebar can be modeled in Revit 2018.1, by working in 3D views and selecting the structural element faces to which the rebars are aligned. Free Form Rebars can have any geometry, either planar or 3D, and can be…

  • REvit 2018.1 update

    The latest Revit 2018.1 update is now available

    Exciting news today!  The Revit 2018.1 update, the very latest version, is now available for download. As I explained in this post on What’s Next for Revit, we’ve increased the frequency of Revit product releases essentially catching up our release schedule to better…

  • Updated Standard Structural Steel Families for Revit

    New content for the Southern Hemisphere and much more As an ongoing process, Autodesk is updating Revit content every year to match the local standards from all over the world. With the 2017 release, Revit obtained a new structural detailing tool, Steel…