This month’s article for the Have You Tried series focuses on a productivity enhancing technique in AutoCAD: creating scripts. Scripts in AutoCAD can automate repetitive tasks and improving accuracy. Maybe you insert a title block and create several layers when creating a new drawing. A script can help automate that task.
Instead of starting a command from the AutoCAD user interface and then providing a value or entering an option at the Command prompt, you type and store the command sequence in a plain text file using an application like Notepad.
In this Have You Tried, we’ll go over how to:
- Create a script file
- Manage script files
- Run a script file in a drawing
- Run a script from the ribbon
- Run a script file across multiple drawings using ScriptPro
Learn how to create scripts to improve your productivity with the step-by-step examples in the Have You Tried: Streamline Tasks with Scripts topic.
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