AU 2015 AutoCAD Recorded Classes: Interesting Developments: Introducing AutoCAD.IO V2

Tutorial for using AutoCAD I/O to create a console application.

Last week we kicked off our mini-series of AutoCAD® developer-favorite Autodesk® University 2015 recorded classes. As now appears obvious, that first offering (Integrating .NET Code with AutoCAD I/O to Add Design Intelligence to Your Website) should have come second, after the AutoCAD I/O V2 introduction class we’re showcasing today. So start here. Not there.

Introducing AutoCAD.IO V2 describes the recent AutoCAD.IO software API improvements, requested by developers like you, that have made the service easier to use.

The class is recorded and available here in its entirety, with handouts.

AutoCAD I/O is an Autodesk-hosted web services offering, built for developers who wish to process DWG files at cloud scale. You create an AutoCAD script (or use one of ours) then point AutoCAD I/O to the target DWG files. It’s that easy.


AU 2015 recorded AutoCAD classes: The Adventure Continues….

This is the eighth in a series of shout-outs to Autodesk University 2015 Online Learning. Earlier in the tour, I pointed you to…

Next upAU 2015 AutoCAD Recorded Classes: Interesting Developments: SQL Server Data  + .NET Add-Ins

Tutorial for using AutoCAD I/O to create a console application.

Using AutoCAD I/O APIs to create a console application.


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