Getting excited for this year’s AU Las Vegas? There are four(!) dedicated AutoCAD mobile app classes, and we’re pretty excited for you to take them!
AutoCAD Mobile App Classes
Looking for an introduction to the app? Check out the industry talk AutoCADAnywhere,CombinethepowerofAutoCADandyourmobiledevice (AS195934), presented by two members of the AutoCAD mobile app product team, Eduard Mitelman and Maayan Gottlieb. They’ll highlight workflows, tips, and give you a sneak peek at what’s coming up.
Beginners might also want to consider Jim LaPier’s RoadDogs:Mobileappsfordesignersanddrafters (AS195636) course where he’ll tackle use cases and additional apps that can be helpful to have in the field.
If you want a hands-on experience, look no further than Tal Solomon’s 90-minute lab course, Edit,Draw,andCollaboratewithyourcustomersusingAutoCADmobile (AS224738-L). Get instruction on syncing your files with your mobile device, verifying field measurements, and more.
Windows 10 users get their very own session! With TurbopoweryourdesignproductivitywithAutoCADMobileapponWindows10 (AS197025), Autodesk Experience Designer Amarjeet Sonkar will demonstrate the benefits of running the AutoCAD mobile app on any device running Windows 10.
Classes are already starting to fill up, so don’t wait too much longer. Plus, if you register before October 15th, you’ll save $425. We can’t wait to see you there!
Get Started With the AutoCAD Mobile App
Downloading the AutoCAD mobile app is as simple as searching for it in the AppleAppStore, GooglePlayStore, or WindowsStore. Remember, with your AutoCAD subscription, you can access all of the AutoCAD mobile app’s features for free right now. Not on subscription? Not a problem. Start your 7-dayfreetrial now to see all the can’t-miss features.