Life’s too short. While that’s nothing to LOL about it, you see my point. Why take time out of your productive day doing things the long way when AutoCAD® is armed to the teeth with more than 150 time- and finger-saving keyboard shortcuts? You probably already use a few dozen. Add a few more and you’ll have every right to feel fine the next time you need to knock off a few minutes early.
- One Key Shortcuts
- Toggles and Screen Management
- Hot Keys A–Z
- Printable Keyboard Stickers
AutoCAD Online Resources: The Adventure Continues….
This is the fourth in an irregularly scheduled series of shout-outs to our favorite AutoCAD Online Resources. Earlier in the tour, I pointed you to….
- Week 1: AutoCAD Online Resources: Got a Minute or Three? Get an AutoCAD Tutorial!
- Week 2: AutoCAD Online Resources: Autodesk App Store—Not by AutoCAD Alone
- Week 3: AutoCAD Online Resources: Trial Resource Center (Take It for a Spin, Get Up to Speed)
Next up: AutoCAD Online Resources: Got Questions? Get Answers! Visit the AutoCAD Forums.