Have you ever needed to plot several areas of your design at different scales or isolate a specific part of your design before plotting it to a hardcopy or electronic file? Layout viewports, also known as floating viewports, control the display of model space objects on a named paper space layout. These viewports can be rectangular or nonrectangular in shape. Nonrectangular viewports in AutoCAD allow you to clip out areas of your design to improve the clarity of the design being communicated.
Both rectangular and nonrectangular viewports allow you to:
- Clip and turn off the boundary of a viewport
- Freeze and thaw individual layers within a viewport
- Rotate the view in a viewport
- Control the scale in which objects and annotation are displayed
- Apply a visual style to the objects being displayed
Nonrectangular Viewports in AutoCAD
You can learn how to create nonrectangular layout viewports by following the step-by-step examples in the Have You Tried: Nonrectangular Viewports topic.
Missed one of the previous Have You Tried features? See the “Previous Have You Tried Articles” section near the bottom of the Have You Tried topic, or open the Have You Tried node in the table of contents on the AutoCAD Help Home page.
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