Welcome to the fourth in a series of posts to lead you through the powerful Sheet Set functionality available in AutoCAD. In the previous post, I took you through the process of creating a new sheet set. In this post, I describe the tools for renaming and renumbering sheets; removing unwanted sheets; creating and removing subsets; and reordering sheets and subsets.
1. Edit sheet names and numbers.
- Right-click on a sheet name and choose Rename and Renumber.
- Enter the appropriate name and number. You can use the Next and Previous buttons in the dialog to move up and down the sheet list, within Subsets.
- You also have the option to rename the layout and filename of the associated drawing to match the new sheet title.
2. Remove a sheet from the sheet set.
- Right-click on a sheet and choose Remove Sheet to remove it from the sheet set. When you remove a sheet from the sheet set, you are not deleting the drawing from the folder. You are simply removing the shortcut that points to the drawing.
3. Add subsets.
- Right-click in the sheet set name or a subset and choose New Subset. You can create subsets and nested subsets to help organize your sheets on the sheet list.
- Enter a name for the subset. A subset is like a visual folder in your sheet list. By default, adding a subset does not create a folder on your hard drive, although you do have the option by selecting Yes under “Create Folder Hierarchy.”
4. Choose OK.
5. Remove subsets.
- Right-click on a subset and choose Remove Subset. You can only remove subsets that do not contain sheets.
6. Rearrange sheets and subsets.
- Drag and drop sheets and subsets to rearrange your sheet list.
As you renumber sheets or drag and drop them to new locations, you will probably notice that the sheet numbers do not automatically update to reflect their position in the sheet list. If you want the sheet numbers to correspond to their order in the sheet list, you must manually change the sheet number as described in the first step. You might wonder about the purpose of the sheet number and name. At this point, the sheet name and number are doing nothing more than enabling you to view and access your drawing sheets by knowing their sheet numbers and/or names rather than knowing their file names and locations. As you continue to build on sheet set functionality, the value of the sheet names and numbers will become more obvious.
What’s Next?
Organizing your sheets as described in this section makes it easy to find, open, and even plot your drawing sheets from the Sheet Set Manager. In the next post, I’ll describe how you can use the Sheet Set Manger to create automated sheet list tables within your drawings to easily access sheets directly from the drawing title sheet.
Remember, you can always catch up on the entire Mastering AutoCAD Sheet Sets series!