We know AutoCAD is used to design just about everything. From moving chandeliers and art museums to cell phone towers and complex plumbing systems, we know it’s versatile, but even we’re surprised sometimes by just how versatile it is. Here are some of our favorite surprising items designed with help from AutoCAD:
1. Beautiful artwork with an architectural bent? Check.
Courtesy: Fabiola Morcillo Núñez via ArchDaily
2. Bilbo Baggins’ hobbit hole! We hope it has enough storage space for second breakfast supplies.
Courtesy: Instructables member danieyellow
3. This intensely gorgeous typography-inspired clock is a TAKE ALL OF MY MONEY kind of design!
Courtesy: Instructables member strudl1803
4. Book shelves based on your favorite childhood pressure cooker game. Amazing.
Courtesy: Instructables member amandaghassaei
5. When you absolutely need to put a bird on it and don’t live near Portland, just use AutoCAD.
Courtesy: Instructables member mikeasaurus
6. Need to live like Bruce Wayne but you’re on a budget? Just look for the AutoCAD signal in the sky.
Courtesy: @Civil3DTS
7. Looks like it’s time for us to learn how to play chess if only to play with this beautiful set.
Courtesy: @DVSS_Seiler
8. A diamond may be forever, but when you need a more personal touch, create your own engagement ring.
Courtesy: Instructables member Honus
9. Finally, this tattoo may or may not have been designed in AutoCAD (we don’t know), but it was at least designed BY AutoCAD – and it’s some quality ink if we do say so ourselves.