15 New Autodesk Build Releases You Should Know in May

This month, we’re excited to release 15 feature additions and enhancements to Autodesk Build across cost, document management, project management, and quality and safety. Check out the latest updates for Autodesk Build below:

Cost Management

  • Cost Management | Permanently Disable Cost Side on Selected Budget Lines*
  • Cost Management | Change Scope on Cost Item Level in Change Orders*
  • Cost Management | Cost Management Settings Control*
    *=features in both Autodesk Build & BIM 360

Document Management

  • Sheets | Full Content Search
  • Sheets | Hide/Show tags and disciplines (Mobile)

Project Management

  • Admin | Auto-Assigned Subscriptions GA
  • Assets | Reorder Custom Fields for Asset Categories
  • Correspondence | Correspondence Public Beta**
  • Mobile | New Settings Screen on iOS [Coming Soon]
  • Schedule | View Schedule Suggestions in Android [Coming Soon]
  • Schedule | Suggestions Column
  • Submittals | Activity Log on Mobile

**= features in both Autodesk BIM Collaborate and Autodesk Build

Quality and Safety

  • Forms | Work Log Enhancements
  • Forms | Issue Types for Non-conforming Responses [Coming Soon]
  • Issues | Additional Statuses
  • Issues | Required Fields
  • Markups | Markups and Issues on PDF Files (Mobile)

Cost Management Releases

Cost Management | Permanently Disable Cost Side on Selected Budget Lines* – Users can now set the scope field for specific budget line items as Budget Only, indicating it will not be spent directly. No contract, actual cost, or cost change will be able to be associated with it; this is ideal for tracking items such as contingency and fees.

Cost Management | Change Scope on Cost Item Level in Change Orders* – Users can edit the scope field for individual change order sub-items. They can choose Budget Only, Out of Scope, In scope or Contingency. This helps ensure these items do not impact any cost in the budget overview if no cost is associated with them.

Cost Management | Cost Management Settings Control* – A new permission setting called Project Settings has been added to Cost Management. With this permission level, Project Admins can have view-only or edit access. By default, all project admins have edit access. This change benefits companies who want to restrict the ability to change defined company standard cost settings that might be altered by mistake.

Document Management

Sheets | Full Content Search – Now when searching in the Sheets tool, members can search for specific key terms within a drawing and retrieve a list of sheets containing that search term.

Sheets | Hide/Show Tags and Disciplines (Mobile) – While viewing their sheets on the mobile app, members use the toggle button to hide or show the disciplines and tags associated to their sheets.

Project Management Releases

Admin | Auto-Assigned Subscriptions GA [Coming Soon] – Now available in Autodesk Build for both web and mobile, account administrators can set their account to automatically assign Autodesk Build Unlimited licenses to invited members, if there are licenses available. Once the invited member accesses Autodesk Build in the project, an Autodesk Build Unlimited license is assigned to them at that point.

Assets | Reorder Custom Fields for Asset Categories – Now on web, project administrators can reorder the custom field columns of asset categories in Project Templates and Autodesk Build projects. This reordered view applies to all users in the project on both web and mobile.

Correspondence | Correspondence Public Beta** – Now available in Build, BIM Collaborate and BIM Collaborate Pro, Correspondence is a new tool enabling flexible communication between teams within Autodesk Construction Cloud. Users can create and manage internal and external communications with project stakeholders. This results in a centralized and connected source of truth for the project.

Mobile | New Settings Screen on iOS [Coming Soon] – Now on the iOS mobile app, members now have an improved settings management experience with a full-screen page of Settings options.

Schedule | View Schedule Suggestions in Android [Coming Soon] -Users in Android can now see schedule suggestions made on activity on the web for improved communication and transparency around elements that can impact a schedule. Schedule managers can see all suggestions made and others can only see suggestions submitted by them. This functionality already exists for iOS users.

Schedule | Suggestions Column - The list view now includes a new column for open suggestions, making it easier for users to sort and group the schedule by open suggestions. Additionally, users will be able to filter the schedule by open suggestion status. Note: schedule managers can view all suggestions and others can only see suggestions made by them.

Submittals | Activity Log on Mobile – Users can view the activity log on mobile and track the submittal progress of each item as they do on the web.

Quality and Safety

Forms | Work Log Enhancements – Better understand onsite work. The Work Log enhancements in Forms provides teams with more detailed work log information in the Forms template builder.

Forms | Issue Types for Non-conforming Responses [Coming Soon]- Identify and resolve issues that come up from forms faster. Issue types for non-conforming form responses allow project members to specify an issue type assigned to a specific answer within a Forms question.

Issues | Additional Statuses Reach issue resolutions faster with representative issue statuses. Additional Statuses in Issues provides teams with more granular issue statuses to reflect the state of the issue to reach a resolution more quickly.

Issues | Required Fields Maintain accurate data around issues for reporting. Required Fields in Issues helps reports become actionable by only allowing an issue to be opened once specified information is provided.

Markups | Markups and Issues on PDF Files (Mobile) – Working on the jobsite just got easier! Now on mobile, members have full functionality for markups and issues on single and multi-page PDF files, such as the ability to view, select, create, and edit.

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Jadie Fanganello

Product Marketing Manager, Autodesk Construction Solutions
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