Traditionally, 2D and 3D takeoff’s happen in separate applications, and then the data is brought together manually. The result is a disjointed and cumbersome process that takes a lot of time and effort. By unifying 2D and 3D workflows on a centralized platform, estimating teams can reduce the risk of scope gaps and inaccurate takeoff, leading to profitability.
At Autodesk University, we announced Autodesk® Takeoff - a cloud-based quantification solution that empowers estimators to automate 2D and 3D takeoff from a single platform. The unified solution allows estimating teams to quickly quantify elements from both 2D and 3D models and manage them alongside subsequent documents in a centralized environment.
We surveyed a handful of our customers to find out how Autodesk’s quantification solution will improve 2D and 3D takeoffs. The responses ranged from eliminating oversight to increased transparency - but the theme of connectivity remained consistent across all responses. Having a single source of truth fosters collaboration and allows teams to work confidently, knowing they’re working with the most up-to-date documents and information.
1. Eliminate Oversight by Combining 2D and 3D Takeoffs
The combination of 2D and 3D takeoffs will make a difference in how estimators collaborate on projects. The ability to review BIM data simultaneously will streamline the takeoff process and eliminate errors or duplication during takeoffs.
“The combination of quantification will help eliminate any oversight and streamline the process of how we do our takeoffs by having data points collected in a single tool,” says David Vrabel, Estimator at Herrero Builders. “Oftentimes, you may not see something in the layers of the 2D print that you will be able to see in the 3D model because it is so much more apparent when you’re looking at it through a 3D lens. This will help eliminate the risk of scope gaps, creating more accurate takeoffs.”
2. Increase Transparency and Collaboration across Project Stakeholders
Cloud-based takeoffs will increase collaboration and streamline the estimating process by allowing teams to manipulate data and have visibility into scope, removing oversight or double-ups on takeoffs. Understanding project scope at the beginning of the project increases accountability as stakeholders know their responsibility.
“With increased transparency, Autodesk’s new quantification tool can streamline costs over the duration of a project in comparison with traditional quantification solutions,” says Hung Nguyen, Senior Virtual Design Construction Process Manager at Herrero Builders. “The ease of managing quantities also allows estimators to have more meaningful conversations with Owners around the project budget, as they can track costs down to a specific change.”
3. Make Data Accessible in Real-Time across Estimating Teams
With project teams working remotely, the unified quantification solution will break down data silos, removing cumbersome data sharing. With data stored in one location, teams can feel confident they’re not duplicating efforts and doing takeoffs more than once. This also allows multiple estimators to collaborate on one project to accurately quantify different scopes of the project to ensure everything is correct and accounted for.
“Autodesk's quantification tool will eliminate cumbersome workflows of sharing data between multiple solutions,” says John Mack, BIM Department Manager at Dome Construction. “As a cloud-based takeoff solution, data is accessible across estimating teams which will save time, increase collaboration, and accurately track scope of work based on design.”
4. Support Continuous Estimating on IPD Projects
On integrated project delivery (IPD) projects, estimators need to work in parallel with architects to update quantities to reflect design changes. To see how the team is trending towards budget, estimators must complete a takeoff for every new iteration of design.
“The ability of Autodesk Takeoff to support continuous estimating is going to benefit our IPD projects since we have to estimate and budget weekly. With data stored in one, single location, we can calculate budgets and estimates more quickly,” says Mack.
“The industry is evolving at a rapid pace, and having a unified platform enables us to weave together information in real-time and make more informed decisions that impact the project as a whole,” says Andy Leek, VP - Technology & Innovation at PARIC Corporation. “With Autodesk’s new quantification tool, we can now connect a quantity survey and estimate across the entire project lifecycle, eliminating inefficient processes and duplicated efforts, to easily track and optimize how we’re trending towards the projected budget. The added value is that we can round-trip this data to optimize our cost estimates and production rates, which enables us to be more competitive when pursuing new projects and winning more work.”
Autodesk Takeoff is now available worldwide. Learn more.
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