Human behavior is one of the most powerful resources at our disposal.
While automation and digitization have caused concerns among some groups that humans will be replaced by machines, that’s far from the truth. The ingenuity, creativity, and motivation of people are more important than ever.
That’s certainly a core tenet of Amit Oberoi, Executive Chairman for Considerate Constructors Scheme, where he works to raise standards across the construction industry.
Amit’s accolades are impressive. He has worked across multiple markets with governments on high-profile transformation and infrastructure projects, including the FIFA World Cup in Qatar. In 2016, he established a digital healthcare company focusing on improving personal resilience and health.
His background has given him a wealth of insight into the construction workforce, and he’ll be sharing some of his learnings as one of the newest members of the Digital Builder Insider’s program. Get to know him here.
I’m a global risk management practitioner with over 20 years of cross-industry experience in leadership roles in construction, technology, management consulting, and national authorities. That means I work to identify the people critical to any part of an organization, then maximize their performance to create greater opportunities.
I studied behavioral sciences in school, specializing in psychology and neuroscience. I worked for the government and in high-risk industries to help reduce critical incident rates.
We created a program for Lendlease to reduce their incident rate. This program sparked a transformational change in the industry to examine standards that can determine the behaviors behind creating a framework for excellence.
It was inspiring work, and I’ve brought the program into other sectors by working for Chevron, Deloitte, and the Grand Prix. Since then, my interest in construction has remained a significant part of my work.
People need to understand that resources are not infinite. We need to be smarter about how we use the resources available.
We must also recognize that sustainability is about people as much as anything else. With sustainability, there has always been a big focus on the environment, but it also needs to be on the people and the structures in place to support them. So, I see the future of work and sustainability tying together intrinsically – it all leads back to the legacy we are creating for future generations.
The founder of Bovis Lendlease, Dick Dusseldorp, was ahead of his time. He started his business in 1957 with 35 tradespeople and £10,000, and today it’s one of the biggest global construction companies in the world.
He has always maintained that organizations will be judged on their approach to sustainability, and he was saying this at a time when sustainability wasn’t even on the agenda. He’s a fantastic leader, and everything he had to say is still just as valid.
My content will be useful if you’re looking to improve productivity or performance, bringing about positive culture and leadership behaviors in the construction industry and beyond. Good culture and leadership help improve community and workforce relations, performance, and productivity.
From discussing behavioral or cultural programs you can bring into your organization to reduce safety and environmental incidents to the role the Considerate Constructors Scheme plays in making an impact in raising the standards in construction, you’ll find it all here!
Unfortunately, I can't live without my iPhone. But I use it as a tool, and I firmly believe it is a computer in your pocket. You can use it to improve your life, or it can harm your life if you’re not using it correctly, as it can be all-consuming. I try to find the right balance.
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