Construction Bidding: A Complete Guide

construction bidding: how to bid on construction projects and win

You have the best team with the suitable skill set and commitment to excellence- but why are your construction bids not working?

A good bidding strategy will increase your probability of landing the best projects and clients successfully. If your construction bids are hit or miss, you will not get as much work as you want. To come up with winning bids, you need to understand the construction process and refine your approach.

What we cover:

What is a construction bid?

A construction bid is a process where a contractor submits a detailed proposal for a building project. The purpose of a bid is to showcase to an owner or client that the contractor is the best firm to undertake the particular project. The winning bidder will then be responsible for executing the necessary work on the project specified in their bid.

Construction Bids vs. Proposals

While the terms "construction bid" and "construction proposal" are sometimes used interchangeably, there are some slight differences to note. The bid itself is primarily focused on the costs and basic details, while the proposal is more comprehensive. The construction proposal also includes specific project plans and specifications, timelines, and methods.

6 critical steps of the construction bidding process

Critical Steps in the Construction Bidding Process Infographic

The bidding process is like a job application or a resume. It gives an overview of your capabilities to complete the work. If your first impression is impeccable, you will likely move to the interview phase. 

As a contractor, you can find bid invitations from various sources.

The bidding process in the construction industry is highly regulated for government projects but can be less formal for private projects. However, it more or less follows the same procedure. The necessary steps are:

  • Bid Solicitation
  • Subcontracting
  • Bid Submission
  • Bid Selection
  • Contract Formation
  • Project Delivery

Let's discuss each of these bid stages.

1. Bid solicitation

Bidding Steps: Bid Solicitation

This is where the project owner sends out a construction request for proposals (RFP) or an invitation for bid (IFB). For public projects, they are generally large and open invitations. This is when the project owner lays out the project requirements, specifies the construction contract type, and defines the delivery method.

Public project bids are open to all qualified contractors who are registered to take on government projects. In these instances, government agencies strive to be as transparent as possible to give everyone a fair shot. 

Meanwhile, private projects can either be open to all qualified contractors or sent to a smaller group. The former lets competition drive the bids, while the latter is often more exclusive and selective.

All that being said, bid packages for both public and private projects must contain key details—including project specifications, delivery method, and insurance requirements. That way, contractors fully understand the project scope and compliance needs.The pricing for construction projects bids heavily determines the awarding of the contract. However, the bid solicitation phase requires more information, such as the request for qualification (RFQ). In retrospect, it is the method used to get as much information as necessary on the prospective contractors’ company history.

2. Subcontracting

Bidding Steps: Subcontracting

General contractors often have to outsource parts of the project to third parties. This process is known as subcontracting. For instance, if a project calls for specialized jobs like plumbing, electrical, etc., the general contractor would assign those areas to subcontractors who are focused on those specific components. 

During these instances, the general contractor would still work with the owner and is responsible for overseeing the execution of the project.

3. Bid submission

Bidding Steps: Bid Submission

The next step is the bid submission. This should include all the relevant company information. It has all the company’s previous projects, management plans, and track record for completing tasks on time. The bid should be as accurate as possible.

It should also include a cost estimate based on the bill of quantities and blueprints. You can arrive at accurate costs using estimation software. Other things to include are overheads, labor, equipment, and materials. The best reasonable price influences the winning bid. It is important to note that a bid differs from an estimate, as discussed later.

The bid submission needs to have a professional touch. Remember, it’s  the face of the company.

You also need to cover your bases and show the client you’ve thought through every detail of the project. When bidding for construction projects, this level of thoroughness often makes all the difference.

As such, when producing a contractor bid, you need to generate estimates for costs like:

  • Labor: Construction labor costs includes wages for the crew needed to complete the project, factoring in both skilled and unskilled labor.  
  • Materials: These are the physical resources required, like concrete, wood, and steel. Material costs can fluctuate, so it’s essential to get up-to-date prices to keep the estimate reliable.
  • Overhead: Overhead covers the indirect costs of doing business, like office expenses, insurance, and permits. These costs ensure the project stays compliant and the company remains operational throughout.
  • Equipment: This includes machinery and tools required for the project, whether they’re rented or owned. Estimating equipment costs helps avoid surprises and keeps the project timeline on track.
  • Profit margin: Your construction profit margin is the amount you aim to earn above the project costs. You need to strike a balance here and set a reasonable margin that ensures competitiveness without undercutting the project’s profitability.

A note about bid bonds

A bid bond is a financial guarantee that protects the project owner if the contractor backs out after winning the bid. Bid bonds are common in competitive or high-value projects as well as public sector work, where there’s a need to ensure reliable contractors.  

As such, you may be required to submit a bid bond when bidding construction projects—especially if they’re government or large private contracts.

4. Bid selection

Bidding Steps: Bid Selection

There are rules, especially in government projects, to ensure that the lowest bidder wins the contract. This rules out any fraud or biases in awarding the contract so that price is eventually the ultimate equalizer.

However, there is more leeway to consider other factors when choosing a winning bid on private projects. Some of these factors include:

  • Experience and track record: The project owner may look at the contractor’s experience with similar projects and their history of completing work on time and within budget. A solid track record demonstrates reliability and expertise—both of which can be just as valuable as competitive pricing.
  • Quality and reputation: A contractor known for high-quality work and strong client relationships may be prioritized, even if their bid isn’t the absolute lowest. That’s because a reputation for quality can imply fewer issues and a smoother project experience for the client.
  • Financial stability: Contractors with a strong financial foundation are often preferred, as they are more likely to handle unexpected project costs without compromising quality or timelines.  
  • Safety record: A proven commitment to safety can be a deciding factor, especially in industries where compliance and accident prevention are critical. A strong safety record demonstrates professionalism and can reduce project risks.
  • Timeline and availability: Clients may also prioritize contractors who can commit to their preferred timeline. Flexibility to start the project on schedule and finish within the agreed-upon timeframe can be a significant advantage.
  • Innovative solutions and value-added services: Contractors who offer creative solutions or extra services, like sustainable building practices or extended warranties, can stand out. These added benefits may align with the client’s goals, adding further value beyond the bid price.

What is bid leveling?

Bid leveling is the process of comparing and evaluating multiple bids to ensure they align in scope and pricing, making it easier to identify the best option. 

During bid leveling, the project owner reviews each bid to account for differences in labor, materials, timelines, and scope. Doing so helps ensure an “apples-to-apples” comparison. This step helps clarify any inconsistencies or omissions in bids, which can prevent unexpected costs or project issues later.

5. Contract negotiation and formation

Bidding Steps: Contract Negotiation and Formation

Once the owner selects a bid, they’ll move on to the contract negotiation and formation stage. Here, the owner and contractors would come up with an agreement and produce a formal document outlining the terms of the project. 

Construction contracts come in different forms, including:

  • Cost-Plus Contract, where contractors are compensated for all construction-related expenses.
  • Design-Build Contract, which handles design and construction costs at the same time.
  • Guaranteed Maximum Price Contract, which stipulates a maximum and capped amount of what the owner will pay the contractor.
  • Incentive Construction Contract, where the owner releases agreed-upon payments once specific milestones are met. 
  • Integrated Project Delivery Contract, which involves multiple parties—the owner, builder, and design firm.
  • Lump-Sum Contract, wherein the contractor agrees to deliver the project at a preset price. 
  • Time and Materials Contract, which stipulates an agreed-upon price based on profit rate, materials, and time spent on the project. 
  • Unit Price Contract, where the owner pays the contractor based on the units at agreed-upon rates.

6. Project Delivery Selection

Bidding Steps: Project Delivery Selection

The owner and contractor will also agree on a project delivery method. Depending on what the project entails, the team may decide to choose one of the following:

  • Design-Bid-Build (DBB), which follows a traditional sequential process. With DBB, the architect designs a project before the bidding stage starts. Once a bid is selected, the team will move on to the building stage. 
  • Design-Build (DB), where the design and construction of the project are handled by one firm. Some consider DB as a more straightforward delivery method. However, owners may have less input in design and construction management. 
  • Construction Management at Risk (CMAR) brings in a construction manager (CM) who serves as a consultant to the owner. The CM manages the subcontractors and takes on the responsibilities (and risks) of meeting milestones and completing the project at the promised price. 
  • Multi-Prime (MP) divides the project into three phases: design, engineering, and construction. With MP, there are separate contracts with the stakeholder at different project stages. This means the owner has separate agreements with GCs, trade contractors, etc. 
  • Integrated Project Delivery (IPD) emphasizes teamwork and shared liability. This delivery method puts the owner, designer, and general contractor under one contract and spreads responsibilities, risks, and rewards across all parties.

Construction bid submission checklist

Every detail matters when bidding for a contract—and in today’s hypercompetitive construction industry, it takes more than just the best price to truly stand out.

That’s why we created this bid submission checklist. Using our PDF checklist, you can quickly review your proposal to ensure no important details (e.g. certifications, addenda, due dates) slip through the cracks.

construction bid submission checklists

Types of construction bids

An effective tendering method ensures the right contractor is chosen and the ongoing relationship is mutually beneficial for both parties. Effective bids and tender management processes improve the quality of the finished product and manage the risks.

The increasing complexities of procurement routes led to the rise of different tender procurement methods. These types of bidding in construction are:

  • Open tendering
  • Selective tendering
  • Negotiated tendering
  • Serial tendering

1. Open tendering

This is the main tendering procedure used by both government and the private sector. It allows anyone to submit a tender for a construction project. It is the most competitive as it gives equal opportunity to applicants. It also provides opportunities for new emerging suppliers. It might need more time to evaluate the tenders as not all bidders might be suitable for the contract.

2. Selective tendering

In selective tendering, bidders are allowed to submit tenders by invitation. This is an opportunity for contractors to leverage their track record. Contractors are chosen based on their suitability to handle the size, scope, and nature of work. Clients have more confidence that their requirements will be met in selective tendering, but this excludes new entrants from tapping into the market.

3. Negotiated tendering

These tenders are used extensively from project commencement to dispute resolution. The owner negotiates with one contractor from beginning to project end. These tenders are helpful for highly specialist contracts or when the owner wants to extend the scope of work. There is better communication, and information flow since the contractor is a part of the project team.

4. Serial tendering

In serial tendering, the tenders are based on the work schedules of bills of quantities. The rates are used to value results over a given number of projects, and with time the procedure can be repeated for different projects.

Types of construction procurement

The procurement method is how construction services are obtained. Procurement methods are primarily grouped into four, as we will discuss below. They are:

1. The best value source method (BVS)

In the best value source method, the contractor is awarded the contract based on price and past performance. Other indicators such as qualifications, time management, and staff robustness are also considered.

A contractor with a good reputation on his past projects can leverage his position using a track record of success to win. To win projects utilizing this method, a contractor must sacrifice his commercial construction profit margin and improve the bid-hit ratio. 

2. Low bid method

The low bid method selects competitive bids based on the procurement method’s lowest bid. Government and public construction entities use this method.

3. Direct select or sole source method

Direct selection is a single-source method that uses only one provider to satisfy all the project requirements. This method is also a non-competitive procurement method that can benefit contractors.

4. Negotiated method

In the negotiated method, the contractors are selected without any advertisement. A contractor is chosen and deals with the owner per the price and technical requirements. A contractor’s bid will likely be chosen as the selection criteria are based on goodwill and previous successful relationships. This is one of the best ways a contractor can win more jobs.

Top bid selection criteria

When putting together a bid, it definitely helps to familiarize yourself with the criteria that owners use to select proposals. Consider the following:


All owners want to maximize their profits, which is why pricing is an important consideration. Owners looking to get the most bang for their buck may put significant weight on how much a project would cost them. 

Capabilities and experience

Beyond price, owners also consider how qualified a contractor is. They may look at your previous projects and examine your expertise to determine whether or not you’re a good fit for the job.  


Owners want to minimize their risk as much as possible, so they’re more inclined to go with contractors with a solid reputation. A contractor with a proven track record, great reviews, and stellar references is much more likely to win a job compared to someone who doesn’t have a strong rep. 


Still on the topic of minimizing risk, no owner wants to have a safety crisis on their hands. As such, most evaluate the safety practices of the GCs they are considering. Ensure your safety compliance ducks are in a row and be prepared to answer questions on how you keep the jobsite safe.

Where to find construction jobs

Finding construction jobs is relatively straightforward if you are equipped with the right strategy. Municipalities and states also award construction jobs worth millions of dollars every year. To get reliable construction jobs, you need to find reliable clients, efficiently estimate the project costs, and convert the clients to lifetime clients. Below are some of the areas you can get construction jobs.

1. Sign up for construction bidding sites

The best way to start construction is by looking for contractors that are already open for bids. You can try out commercial project bidding sites such as:

If you are looking for residential projects, you can check out Home Advisor, which offers excellent services to residential contractors.

2. Sight up as a government contractor

The government is always embarking on new projects. Therefore, you can sign up as a government contractor either for your city, county, state, or federal government. These sites include:

3. Utilize your networks

Most people win contracts by word of mouth. The more you put yourself out there, the more opportunities you will encounter. You can find these networks from the people you have worked with, professional associations, friends and family, and professional networking sites such as LinkedIn. Building a network takes time, but it is a sure way to build repeat customers.

8 tips to win construction bids

Winning more bids is what success in the construction industry is all about. But while keeping your costs low is important, there’s a thin line between being competitive and staying profitable. 

That’s why it’s a mistake to simply increase bidding volume, a potential waste of your time and money. The better way? Focus on winning more bids (with fewer proposals) following the eight proven tips below. 

By understanding the bidding process, knowing your competition, demonstrating your value and being selective about the projects you pursue, you’ll be in a good position to win more bids and close out jobs that turn a profit.

1. Bid early

Timing, as they say, is everything. It’s always a good idea to submit a bid ahead of the competition. Why? It’s simply a matter of math: the more proposals a project owner receives, the higher the probability yours won’t win. When you submit early, you may be one of three companies under consideration; later on, you could be competing with thirty. You don’t need special skills to find projects before your competition gets wind of them. As for finding projects to bid on, construction bidding networks and marketplaces are a useful way to learn about jobs before others can—and you can even include a company profile that is included in online bid searches.

2. Accurately estimate your costs 

Clients are never happy when you misquote, underquote or overcharge. Underbidding makes the evaluation team question your experience and expertise. Quoting too high usually means that your bid will be out of contention. The better way is to provide a line item cost estimate based on material takeoffs along with anticipated labor and supply costs. After proper cost estimating, review your profit margins. Your bid can be considered fair and reasonable if they fall within acceptable limits.

3. Bid on the right projects

Just because a job is available doesn’t mean you should bid on it, but it can be a tough decision for contractors actively seeking work. Consider every element carefully before submitting a bid; the wrong job can lead to frustration, profit erosion, and poor client relationships. Take your time to research each project type, location, and competitors, then develop your bidding benchmark. That will help you bid strategically and increase your chances of success.

4. Leverage your expertise

It’s often said that “you can’t be good at everything, but you can be good at something.” That’s certainly true of construction projects. Before you bid, think about past projects that were the most successful and which ones led to repeat business. When you stick to what you do best, you’re more likely to deliver a job on time and within budget. Concentrate your efforts on the projects that fit your company’s specific parameters and skip the rest.  

5. Understand the RFP

RFPs are very specific, and a thorough understanding of terms, scope, and other project details are essential to bidding success. Even a slight deviation from the request can be grounds for disqualification, so plan to adhere to the specified format and page count—a gesture of professionalism and respect that the project owner will appreciate. Bottom line: the RFP should not be so detailed that it hinders the contractor’s creativity and decision-making, but not so vague as to leave out critical information.

6. Differentiate your brand

When your company brand lacks presence and professionalism, you automatically lose any competitive advantage you might have had. On the other hand, if you have developed a distinctive and recognizable brand for your organization— one that includes characteristics such as quality control, responsiveness, customization, and expertise– you are less reliant on a simple cost-to-cost comparison and more likely to win the bid.

7. Nurture trust with decision-makers

Even if you make it to the final in-person interview with project owners and other decision-makers, if the stakeholders don’t feel that you are the right match, you’re unlikely to win the bid—even if your costs are competitive. And while it’s never wise to force a relationship, you can build trust with open and ongoing communication, indicating your willingness to discuss, collaborate, or even compromise to come to mutually agreeable solutions.

8. Don’t forget the details

Breaking down your bid helps project owners feel that you’re meeting their expectations. When you avoid giving a lump sum figure but instead specify labor, equipment, and material costs, you show your potential client that you are well-equipped to do the job. 

All prospective clients need to see an investment return, so be prepared with hard data that backs up your numbers. Historical data and case studies can provide helpful support.  

Following up on construction bids

The bid submission stage doesn’t stop when you submit your proposal. Developing a follow-up process helps you unlock both short- and long-term benefits. 

1. Improve your relationships with general contractors

When you take ownership of the follow-up process, you prove to owners (or general contractors if you’re a subcontractor) that you’re easy to work with, a good communicator, and on top of your game. Construction pros want to work with contractors and subcontractors who make their lives easier, so it’s a great way to differentiate yourself in a competitive environment.

2. Increase hit rates by getting feedback to make revisions

It’s unlikely that an owner or general contractor will reach out themselves to give you feedback on a bid or let you know what you need to do to make it more competitive. However, when you follow up and ask if they’ve gotten a chance to review your proposal, it also gives you the opportunity to ask if they’d like you to make any revisions. Again, these guys are busy, so take the initiative to ensure your proposal hits all the right marks.

Even if you discover someone else already won the job, they may be willing to provide feedback that helps you win the next one. The more information you can get after each proposal, the more focused and strategic you’ll become over time.

3. Spend your time bidding on jobs you’re more likely to win

If you keep submitting and not hearing back, it might be time to re-evaluate whether bidding for that contractor’s jobs should be a priority for your team.

This is where follow-ups can come in handy. If you continually follow up with someone and still never hear anything back, it’s probably not worth it to bid on their projects in the future. Moving forward, you can refocus your efforts on owners and general contractors that will truly respect your time.

Keep in mind that everyone is different. First, develop a baseline follow-up process for those you haven’t worked with before (e.g. an email two days after the submitted proposal, a phone call a week after). Sync those tasks to your calendar to ensure you don’t forget to reach out. Then, after you learn each person’s communication preferences, tailor your follow-ups for their future projects.

Why you didn’t win that bid

No one wants to lose out on a bid, but it’s bound to happen in reality. Here, we’ll discuss 10  of the most common reasons why construction bids are lost. In turn, keeping these losing strategies in mind will help you create your winning proposal plan for future bids.

1. You didn’t understand the scope of work

One of the primary reasons for failing to win construction bids is that you didn’t understand the scope of work.

If you fail to fully grasp the scope of work set in the request for proposal (RFP), then you’ll have a hard time setting the right tasks or deadlines and therefore have basically no chance to compile a winning construction proposal. Make sure you read the scope of work carefully. If there’s an aspect that doesn’t make sense or you need more information, come back with any clarifying questions as long as there’s enough of an opportunity to submit before the proposal deadline. 

2. The price wasn’t right

If you can’t seem to win construction bid attempts, the price may represent at least part of the problem. Your clients won’t be happy if you misquote prices, overcharge, or underbid. Even bidding less than you’re worth is a problem, because it can lead the evaluation team to wonder about your level of expertise.

Remember that quoting both too high and too low is a red flag. While you can’t possibly predict what your competitors will quote down to the dollar, the best tactic is to worry less about under or overbidding.

3. You didn’t explicitly explain your cost

When looking over a bid today, the evaluation team might experience a moment of sticker shock when looking at the price. That’s not to say construction costs are unreasonable or deal-breaking, or that you can’t charge what you’re worth. Your only job: explain your costs explicitly, line by line, and show how hiring you will provide the value they are looking for in a project.

4. You didn’t showcase your experience

Many companies write stellar proposals, then forget to back them up with proof. Always remember to include relevant past projects when submitting bids and proposals. After all, you’ve done great work, so don’t forget to show it.

5. Your references weren’t up to par

References matter, and not just for college applications. Provide the right and relevant references to showcase your performance and track record. It’s better to use fewer references than sacrifice their quality. If you had a rocky relationship on a project, it’s better to leave it off, because it truly can be the determining factor in whether you win or lose.

6. Your safety record isn’t ideal

A good construction safety record means less risk and fewer costs, both of which clients care about. If your safety record is faulty, you aren’t likely to be the winning bid.

If you’re concerned about your safety record, it’s time to institute a new approach. You need to create a culture where safety is prioritized, and that means crafting a careful safety plan and educating your employees on the best means of adhering to the standards.

7. You were missing documents and information

If you want to win construction bid attempts, it’s critical you complete your proposal and bid to the letter. Even one small missing section or document could immediately disqualify you. Ensure you submit everything that is requested. You should double, triple, even quadruple check every part of the document before you submit your proposal.

8. You didn’t read the RFP thoroughly

If you didn’t read the RFP thoroughly, you’re in bad shape. The RFP will ask for very specific information, and it’s best to follow instructions exactly. Don’t deviate from them at all, and adhere to any requirements on page count and specifics for submission. This shows you’re a professional and that you respect your client’s needs and preferences upfront.

9. You were late in submitting

Even one minute matters when submitting a bid. If you can’t follow a simple deadline right at the outset, why should a client trust you to adhere to the years-long timeline with budgetary consequences? Before you submit your construction proposal, leave plenty of time to submit to navigate bidding systems that could be manually burdensome and slow. Bottom line: If you want to win construction bid attempts, stick to the deadline. 

10. You don’t use the right tools

Using the right tools and equipment on a project matters to its success. In your proposal or interview, you might specifically state digital tools you will be using or have used on previous projects—but are they the right ones? An owner might have had experience using specific bid management software and technology tools in prior projects and might be looking for them. Do your research and keep up to date on the latest innovations in the industry and can showcase their value in the proposal.

Frequently asked questions

How long should I spend on a proposal?

This is tentative and depends on the complexity and requirements of the contract.

Are there other evaluation criteria used apart from the ones in the specifications?

No, the panel can only use the evaluation criteria provided in the RFP.

Can I provide a credit letter as bid security?

In most cases, the law only allows for bonds in construction contracts. They may be in money orders or certified cashier’s checks.

How do I know the bid results?

After winning a bid, a call or email is sent to the address provided in the solicitation.

Can I be reimbursed for my proposal preparation expenses?

The proposal preparation process is costly, but you cannot be reimbursed for the costs.

If I have concerns regarding the fairness of the process, who should I contact? 

If you have fairness concerns, you can talk to the contact person in the tender document.

Learn Construction Bidding with Autodesk

Construction bidding is a critical part of the project lifecycle. And with multiple phases and moving parts, a solution like Autodesk Construction Cloud can be a game-changer. 

The good news is that Autodesk Construction Cloud is more accessible than ever to educators and students. The platform is now free for eligible educators and students, making it an invaluable resource for hands-on learning in construction. Students can now learn how to estimate and bid using Autodesk’s cutting edge construction solutions.

The platform seamlessly connects teams, data, and workflows across every phase of a building project's lifecycle so users can build and collaborate in a cohesive digital environment.

Bid Like a Winner

It’s time to stop bidding to survive, and start bidding to win. Running a business can be a lot like gambling, and the odds (or competition) can often seem stacked against you where lowering your bid feels like your safest option. 

But with the right tools and a solid strategy to position your company as a serious player in the market, you can start to increase your odds of winning more projects—without undervaluing your service. In a matter of no time, you’ll spend less time bidding and more time winning jobs since you’ll have the right tactics and tools in place to effectively evaluate the right opportunities and ultimately create proposals that set your company apart.

Want to maximize the value of your digital bid management solutions? Download our eBook, “3 Keys to a Better Bidding Process” to learn how.

Download Now

Are you an educator? Get free access to Autodesk Construction Cloud products with the Autodesk Education Plan.

Grace Ellis

As Manager of Content Marketing Strategy at Autodesk and Editor in Chief of the Digital Builder Blog, Grace has nearly 15 years of experience creating world-class content for technology firms. She has been working within the construction technology space for the last 6+ years and is passionate about empowering industry professionals with cutting-edge tools and leading strategies that improve the quality of their jobs and lives.
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