InfoWater Pro 2024.1: InfoSurge now included with a subscription

Parrod Perrine Parrod Perrine May 9, 2023

1 min read

The latest update of InfoWater Pro supports ArcGIS 3.1, includes surge analysis, and improves high DPI resolution support.

Surge analysis with InfoSurge now included

InfoSurge, our app for transient analysis, used to be a paid add-on to InfoWater Pro. It is now included in InfoWater as part of an InfoWater Pro Autodesk subscription so that as many hydraulic modelers can simulate surge events and protect their water systems. So, please make sure you download the latest update from (log-in required) to get this added value with InfoWater Pro. 

This capability enables you to understand risks of pressure transients that may be occurring within your pressurized pipes and can help you improve water system resilience to surge events.

Thanks to the performance of InfoWater Pro’s surge engine, you can simulate pressure transient analysis throughout the entire network rather than just a narrow focus area. This means that it could point out pressure concerns in remote areas of the water system.

The surge engine simulates high- and low-pressure waves and will show whether pipes are cavitating or are likely to burst, as a result. You can use what-if scenarios to assess various hammer protection devices, whether independently of each other, or a combination of devices as it is most likely to be a solution to transients. To interpret surge results, InfoWater Pro offers the ability to compare the impact of various sets of protection devices side by side, so you can get insights into which one is the most effective in preventing damaging transients, enabling continuous water services your customers are relying on.

Latest ArcGIS Pro support

In our most recent update, we announced InfoWater Pro’s support of ArcGIS Pro 3.0. Since then, we’ve updated InfoWater Pro so that you can model water systems from within the latest ArcGIS Pro 3.1.

High DPI resolution support

Previously, with high resolution monitors, hydraulic modeling icons and elements could be very hard to see. InfoWater Pro now scales icons in a GIS way, so they remain visible even when you zoom out, even on high resolution monitors.

Learn more

You can read all the granular details about this new release in our product release notes, and you can dig into our high-level roadmap to see our strategic vision, which we update regularly. 

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