Everything new in Autodesk’s desktop hydraulic modeling software 2025 releases

Trevor English Trevor English May 6, 2024

8 min read

The latest 2025 releases of all of our desktop hydraulic modeling solutions are out, and with them, there are a ton of new features waiting to help you in your workflows and processes.

The Autodesk Water team has been hard at work developing solutions to real-world challenges you face in your day-to-day work and implementing those solutions inside of our hydraulic modeling tools. In this post, we’ll tell you everything you need to know about what’s new in the 2025 model year of all your favorite hydraulic modeling software tools, along with a survey of the great features released over the last year.

InfoWorks ICM 2025

InfoWorks ICM 2025, our network-wide catchment modeling, planning, and design software, brings with it several enhancements oriented around the cloud. For one, you can now access simulations results directly in the cloud. Scalar and spatial time-series data can now connect to cloud networks as well. Alongside new 2D culvert modeling tools and enhanced simulation engine updates, your hydrologic catchment modeling capabilities just got a big boost.

However, if you haven’t updated your software since last year, there’s other features you’ll find in the 2025 version to get you excited. Over the year, our team launched:

Do you use Civil 3D? Access the InfoWorks ICM export functionality from the Add-ins tab.

Among these marquee features, there were a number of other improvements to InfoWorks ICM over the past year, which you can explore more about on our InfoWorks ICM help documentation pages.

Also, our support teams launched the InfoWorks ICM Technical Information Hub, your one-stop-shop for every bit of documentation and support you’ll possibly need for InfoWorks ICM.

InfoDrainage 2025

InfoDrainage 2025, our site-specific drainage design software, had an exciting year of releases filled with AI, cloud improvements, and integrations with Civil 3D. InfoDrainage 2025 brings enhanced interoperability with Civil 3D and more interactivity with machine learning Deluge flood models as the focus features for this annual release.

But it’s worth noting that this version includes all of the features released over the last year, which you might have missed. Over the last year, the InfoDrainage team launched:

The biggest addition: The ML Deluge Tool.

You can explore everything new with InfoDrainage in the last year on our InfoDrainage help documentation site. Additionally, our support teams launched the InfoDrainage Technical Information Hub to serve as your go-to destination for any technical questions you might have.

InfoWater Pro 2025

InfoWater Pro, our ArcGIS-based water distribution modeling software, recently launched an exciting enhanced integration with our Info360 cloud analytics tools in the 2025 release, but the development teams have been hard at work over the year delivering new features like:

Water distribution modeling for Esri ArcGIS users got much easier with these new features. You can read more about everything released over the last year in our release notes. Additionally, be sure to bookmark the InfoWater Pro Technical Information Hub that was also released this year.

InfoWorks WS Pro 2025

InfoWorks WS Pro, our standalone water distribution modeling software, delivered a powerful new integration with our Info360 apps (just like InfoWater Pro), with the 2025 release.

Some of the newest details of InfoWorks WS Pro 2025.

This past year our development team also made great headway in bolstering the power and ease of use of this water distribution modeling tool, releasing:

You can learn more about the fantastic features our WS Pro development team released over the year in the product documentation. Also, check out the InfoWorks WS Pro Technical Information Hub. Like all of these technical hubs, you can sign up for regular emails to keep updated on important releases.

The year ahead…

There’s never been a better – or easier – time to embrace digital transformation, machine learning, cloud computing, and powerful hydraulic modeling tools than now. As we’ve delivered these features to users over the last year, we’ve heard fantastic feedback. Feedback like Denver Water, who said their fire flow “simulation times went from over 1.5 hours to 5 minutes” when utilizing InfoWater Pro’s new fire flow in the cloud functionality.

These features aren’t just built for large public utilities. We also serve small businesses and consulting customers, like Mira Chokshi, Principal Engineer at Climate Adaptive Systems, who shared her thoughts about the convenience of adopting cloud simulations: “I absolutely love the subscription model use for a small business like me and the use of cloud computing for setting up simulations.”

It was a very productive year! As we look back on these user-driven feature enhancements and the industry-wide outcomes we were able to achieve with our desktop hydraulic modeling products, it’s time to look ahead to what’s on the roadmap for the coming year. Did you know that Autodesk keeps a public Water Solutions Roadmap of everything under consideration, in development, and launched? Did you also know that a significant portion of our features come in through customer feedback from our Autodesk Water feedback portal? Be sure to look at what’s on the road ahead as we continue to integrate cloud, simulation improvements, modeling integrations, and Autodesk AI in the coming year.

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