It is not uncommon for numerical hydraulic models to inform the scale and size of built infrastructure. After all, one of the clear benefits of creating a model is the ability to experiment and test out your theories about how to optimize a design before you build. Thus, the validity of our built infrastructure ultimately…
Hydraulic modeling
We walk through some of the similarities and differences between HEC software and InfoWorks ICM. Some people use both - we'll tell you why.
Storm, sewer, flood
Predicting demand for water isn’t as simple as counting new construction units. It can become more difficult when two different professions do the forecasting, but the ArcGIS Online connection between InfoWater Pro and Civil 3D allows you to share the same data and approach. To show you how it works, we teamed up with Symetri…
Water distribution
This week was the kickoff of ASCE’s EWRI Congress in Milwaukee. Wisconsin’s largest city, Milwaukee also happens to be located along the shores of Lake Michigan, the largest freshwater lake located entirely within the United States. Wisconsin has more than 800 miles of shoreline along Lake Superior and Lake Michigan, which makes it easy to…
New regulations are challenging Florida water utilities to tighten up and ultimately eliminate all non-beneficial surface water discharges. CHA Consulting has been working to help utilities across the sunshine state find the right balance and stay ahead of statewide deadlines for compliance. Many thanks to co-author of this piece Project Engineer Parsa Pezeshk, who shared…
Customer stories
We list all of the regional rainfall and runoff calculations in InfoDrainage and show you how to customize them.
Drainage design
Our team of drainage experts and product developers have made it their mission to solve this industry challenge through expanding integrations between InfoDrainage, Autodesk’s drainage design solution, and Civil 3D, the world’s foremost civil design software.
Drainage design
Everything in the built environment progresses through the planning phase and design phase, before eventually being constructed and operated. In the planning phase, sites are scoped, drainage studies are completed, and hydraulic analyses are run to understand where and when capital improvements are needed. Powerful hydrologic modeling tools like InfoWorks ICM are vital to engineers…
Product news
We’ve just returned from a hugely successful WEFTEC 2023, attempting to do a brief yet extensive recap of what was a grand water event. WEFTEC is considered one of the world’s largest gatherings of water professionals: This year, Autodesk had a significant presence at WEFTEC, with nearly 20 team members joining the 20,000 other water…
This year’s Water Infrastructure Conference started with major flight delays and cancellations as host city Philadelphia and neighboring areas experienced severe thunderstorms, fueled by high heat and gusty winds. I myself experienced a 24-hour flight delay. On the bright side, the rest of the week dried out, with sunshine and low humidity, which made for…