Water distribution

  • Top 5 common water utility problems – and how they can be solved

    Our own David Totman sat down with Water Online recently to run through the Top 5 Common Problems Utilities Have and a Path Out. A Past-President for the Utility Engineering & Surveying Institute in the ASCE, David is a thought leader with a lot of experience in the industry – and a helpful answer to…

  • plumber crew illustration

    Everything you need to know about the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act for the water sector

    After much debate, delay, compromise, and – finally – voting, the US Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) was passed. This $1.2 trillion act comes not a moment too soon. For years, organizations like ASCE have graded the US infrastructure as a ‘D’ (currently a notch up at C-) and have estimated more than $4.5…

  • infrastructure pipes

    How the US infrastructure bill impacts the water sector

    Since the Clean Water Act/Safe Drinking Water Act of 1974, the federal government has actively supported wet infrastructure investment through various means, including the recently passed the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA). This new bill, and its section 914, centers on authorizing and creating programs to support drinking water and wastewater infrastructure projects. The…

  • troubleshooting innovyze products

    How to find critical pipe bursts

    When a pipe bursts, how do you find the critical pipes?

  • Collaborating on building and running hydraulic models using InfoWorks WS Pro’s Workgroup technology

    If your organisation has team members who work on the same hydraulic model at the same time, they probably generate several versions of the same model file. When this happens, keeping track of model file versions and model changes is next to impossible. This is a common – but definitely solvable – problem. InfoWorks WS…