InfoWorks ICM

  • How ISG got their InfoWorks ICM models FEMA approved

    The City of Brookings in South Dakota, like many other inland US cities, is struggling with increased amounts and instances of flooding. They enlisted ISG, a nationally recognized, 100% employee-owned, multi-disciplinary architecture, engineering, environmental, and planning firm to help them update the city’s master drainage plan, which hadn’t been revised in 15 years. ISG’s Jacob…

  • Risk Analysis Runs for cloud and copying cloud simulation results in InfoWorks ICM 2025.5

    InfoWorks 2025.5 is here, marking the last release of the 2024 calendar year. With it comes new abilities to copy cloud simulation results, run risk analysis on cloud databases, and improved NetCDF file formats for TSD objects. In this post, we’re going to walk through what each of these improvements mean for InfoWorks ICM users,…

  • New batch of Water Drops: Using LIDs/SUDs, soakwell/drywell design, culvert analysis

    It’s been a dry fall in Colorado where I live (and indeed across the US). It’s also been a bit dry on the Water Drop workflow video front in the last month as many of us were meeting customers and industry regulars at Autodesk University. But you can consider this mini-drought over because we now…

  • How 2D mesh histograms lead to better model stability in InfoWorks ICM 2025.4

    InfoWorks ICM 2025.4 is here, delivering reporting and scripting enhancements, a new free viewer, and – significantly – 2D mesh element histograms for improved model stability, speed and results accuracy. As you know, hydraulic modeling involves some complex math on the back end. Given this, modeling software usually splits the properties of any given surface…

  • Isolation vs collaboration: why we should expect parallel workflow capabilities in water engineering software

    Were you in the workforce or studying in 2010 when Uber, the Apple iPad, Microsoft Azure and 4G mobile data networks were released? If so, you will probably recall (perhaps with a sigh of nostalgia about simpler times, tinged with frustration) the sometimes-painful experience of being a team member contributing to a Word document, Excel…

  • Return Period Analysis (RPA) grid report and buildings updates in InfoWorks ICM 2025.3

    InfoWorks ICM 2025.3 is here with new updates enabling you to export Return Period Analysis (RPA) grid reports and automatically upload them into Info360 Asset. Additionally, improvements to building representation inside of InfoWorks ICM allows for better modeling of LIDs and SuDs. Let’s explore everything that’s new in the latest release. Return Period Analysis grid…

  • Trinity River Authority: Streamlining water treatment plant operations with an InfoWorks ICM digital twin

    Tasked with protecting and maintaining the largest river basin entirely within the state of Texas, the Trinity River Authority (TRA) has its work cut out for them. In the northern region of the Trinity River Basin, TRA operates five major wastewater collection and treatment systems serving municipalities in one of the fastest-growing metropolitan areas in…

  • Deciding between steady state and extended period simulations in InfoWorks ICM

    It is not uncommon for numerical hydraulic models to inform the scale and size of built infrastructure. After all, one of the clear benefits of creating a model is the ability to experiment and test out your theories about how to optimize a design before you build. Thus, the validity of our built infrastructure ultimately…

  • InfoWorks ICM: The Training, Tutorials, and Technicals that Autodesk provides

    Getting started with stormwater and hydraulic modeling software may feel like a big task, but it doesn’t have to be an expensive one. We’ve compiled comprehensive training courses to get you and your team up to speed on InfoWorks ICM, and they are all entirely free. With our series of video and written instructional models,…

  • 1D and 2D modeling with InfoWorks ICM and HEC-RAS: Differences, similarities, and an integrated workflow

    We walk through some of the similarities and differences between HEC software and InfoWorks ICM. Some people use both - we'll tell you why.