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Integrated BIM tools, including Revit, AutoCAD, and Civil 3D
Professional CAD/CAM tools built on Inventor and AutoCAD
Autodesk Support
Nov 19, 2024
Products and versions covered
Members facing an issue with associating the .dwg file type with AutoCAD products in Windows.
When double-clicking a DWG file in Windows, the last-used AutoCAD program is launched (assuming multiple AutoCAD programs are installed). This includes DWG TrueView.
The utility "AutoCAD DWG Launcher" manages this process.
DWG files are not associated with the acad.exe program file but rather with the AcLauncher.exe utility, this file is located in C:\Program Files\Common Files\Autodesk Shared\AcShellEx.
To associate DWG files with AutoCAD DWG Launcher when there are multiple versions or toolsets installed, try the following:
Start the desired version of AutoCAD or AutoCAD LT from Start menu.
If DWG files exist on the computer, open at least one DWG drawing from within the program. To open the drawing use open file option, or drag-and-dropping the file into Civil 3D file bar.
Close the program.
From Windows Explorer, right-click a DWG file and choose Open with > Choose another app > More apps > Look for another app on this PC.th
Navigate the hard disk and choose AcLauncher.exe from its path: "C:\Program Files\Common Files\Autodesk Shared\AcShellEx\".
Next time you use double-click to open a DWG file, the AcLauncher will start the last version/toolset of AutoCAD.
Shortcuts can be created on the Desktop for the different AutoCAD versions installed on a computer. Drag the needed DWG file from File Explorer onto the desired shortcut to open it in that version of AutoCAD.
This procedure sets which file opens automatically when double-clicking the product icon:
In Windows Explorer, right-click a DWG file, choose Properties, and click Change.
From the displayed list, select the product and version to use.
Click the Start menu and choose or search for Default Programs, or open Control Panel and find Default Programs there.
Click "Associate a file type or protocol with a program".
In the search field search for the specific file extension.
If the file extension is already associated with an application, it will be listed direclty below the search field. To change the default app click the symbol at the right of the default app, showing a rectangle including an arrow pointing to the top right.
If for the file extension no application is already associated, then click button "Choose a default". A new dialog pops up: Click "More Apps". If the app is already listed, select it. Otherwise scroll down and click "Look for another app on this PC" and browse for the EXE-file of that specific app.
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