Hardware acceleration is unavailable in AutoCAD Products over Citrix or other remote access system

Autodesk Support

Oct 8, 2023

Products and versions covered


When using AutoCAD Products in a Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI), for example a Citrix or other remote desktop system, the option to enable hardware acceleration is unavailable or disabled.



Hardware acceleration for AutoCAD is not a supported feature over a remote desktop session (see the AutoCAD Help page Hardware Acceleration Troubleshooting Reference). 

Note: Not all Autodesk product offerings may be virtualized. You may virtualize a product only if the applicable terms and conditions governing your access to and use of that offering expressly permit virtualization. Where virtualization is authorized, all conditions and limitations specified in the applicable terms and conditions apply. Autodesk may make available information regarding the use of products in virtualized environments. Such information is offered solely for your convenience, on an “as is” basis, and may contain errors, inaccuracies, or may be incomplete. Autodesk makes no representations, warranties, or other promises related to use of any product in any virtualization environment or with any virtualization technology. If you are authorized to virtualize and elect to do so, you assume all risks associated with such use, including, but not limited to incompatibility between the product and third-party virtualization technology and/or your virtualization environment. Read our Virtual Installation Guidelines and Terms of Use for more information


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