How to create the SCCM Software Installation Package for Autodesk software

Autodesk Support

Sep 6, 2024

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How to create the SCCM Software Installation Package for Autodesk software.


To create a software installation package using SCCM 2007 and Autodesk product version 2020 or older:

  1. Click Start menu Programs or All Programs, Microsoft System Center Configuration Manager 2007 ConfigMgr Console.
  2. In the Configuration Manager Console window, expand Software Distribution.
  3. Right-click Packages Distribute Software.
  4. In the Distribute Software wizard, click Next.
  5. In the Package dialog box, select Create a New Package and Program without a Definition File. Click Next.
  6. In the Package Identification dialog box, enter the information for Name, Version, Publisher, Language and any comments. Click Next.
  7. In the Source Files dialog box, make selections for where SCCM retrieves the files and how it manages them. Select “Always Obtain Files from a Source Directory”. Click Next.
  8. In the Source Directory dialog box, specify the location of the source directory. Click Next.
  9. In the Distribution Points dialog box, select the distribution point(s). This is the location from which the software package will be deployed to the target computers. Click Next.
  10. In the Program Identification dialog box, enter the name of your program. This is the name that displays in Add or Remove Programs in the Control Panel. In the Command Line field, enter AdminImage\setup.exe /W /Q /I AdminImage\<deployment name>.ini /Lang en-US. For example, if your deployment is named "Adsk-2012", you would enter AdminImage\setup.exe /W /Q /I AdminImage\Adsk-2012.ini /Lang en-US. Click Next.
    Note: This example assumes the language pack you wish to install is US English. /W is the flag for SMS and SCCM, /Q is the silent install, /I indicates this is a deployment installation.
  11. In the Program Properties dialog box, Program Can Run drop-down list, select how you want your program to install. Your choices are
    • Only When a User is Logged On
    • Whether or Not a User is Logged On
    • Only When No User is Logged On
  12. In the After Running drop-down list, select an action to take after the program has been installed. Your choices are
    • No Action Required
    • Program Restarts Computer
    • ConfigMgr Restarts Computer
    • ConfigMgr Logs User Off
    NoteSome products require a system restart after installation.
    Click Next.
  13. In the Advertise Program dialog box, select Yes to advertise the program to users. Click Next.
  14. In the Select a Program to Advertise dialog box, select the package you want to advertise. Click Next.
  15. In the Select Program  Advertisement Target dialog box, select the collection of people to whom you want to advertise, or create a new collection.
  16. In the Select Program  Advertisement Name dialog box, enter or change the name of your advertisement. Add any comments to further describe the advertisement. Click Next.
  17. In the Select Program  Advertisement Subcollection dialog box, select one of the following options:
    • Advertise this Program to an Existing Collection
    • Create a New Collection and Advertise this Program to It
  18. Click Next.
  19. In the Select Program  Advertisement Schedule dialog box, if desired, set options to advertise your program at a specific date and time, or set an expiration date. Click Next.
  20. In the Select Program  Assign Program dialog box, select one of the following options:
    • If the installation process is mandatory, select Yes, Assign the Program.
    • If the installation process is optional, select No, Do Not Assign the Program.
    Click Next.
  21. In the Summary dialog box, verify your advertisement information. Use the back buttons to make any changes. To finish, click Next.

To create a software installation package using Microsoft Endpoint Configuration Manager and Autodesk product version 2021 or newer:

Please follow the below articles for deployment image creation and for the Microsoft Endpoint Configuration Manager setup:


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