How to use a previous DirectX version in AutoCAD Products

Autodesk Support

Jul 29, 2024

Products and versions covered


How to make AutoCAD run with a previous version of DirectX (9 instead of 11, 11 instead of 12, etc.)


AutoCAD will automatically pick the most current DirectX version if a graphics card is capable of utilizing it; However, certain system configurations can cause visual display issues or crashes. Setting a discrete DirectX may improve graphics performance:

  • AutoCAD 2015 - 2018, DirectX 9 or 11 (DirectX 9 is recommended by supported OS)

  • AutoCAD 2019 - 2021: DirectX 9 or 11 (DirectX11 recommended with a compliant display card)

  • AutoCAD 2022 - 2023: DirectX 11 or 12 (DirectX11 recommended for older hardware/driver combinations)


For AutoCAD 2022 and above version

To make AutoCAD 2022 and newer use a previous version of DirectX, set GFXDX12 = 0, then restart AutoCAD.

For AutoCAD 2021 and below version

To make AutoCAD 2021 and older use a previous version of DirectX, a system variable needs to be added into Windows. Here are the steps:

  1. Right-click Computer or This PC and choose Properties.

  2. Click Advanced System Settings.

  3. Under the Advanced tab, click Environment Variables.

  4. Under System Variables, click New.

  5. Enter GS_DEVICE for the name and Dx9 for the value (or Dx11 if going down from Dx12).

  6. Click OK on all the windows.

To change the Dx value in system

Restart AutoCAD if it was running during this process. To see what DirectX is being used within AutoCAD, use the GRAPHICSCONFIG command.

Note: Using a previous DirectX version changes the display performance in AutoCAD and can potentially affect how the program runs, depending on the type of drawings used. DirectX 11 is more capable than DirectX 9, DirectX 12 more capable than 11, etc.


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