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Thank you for your interest in this webinar. Watch the recording here and explore additional content below – including Q&A from the session, a free trial, and next steps.

Autodesk PDMC Webinar - Inventor: What’s Now, New, & Next 

Language: English

Register now and learn how ambition meets design.

Do you find yourself spending excessive time modeling standard features or configuring products to custom specifications? As a mechanical designer, you know the process of taking an idea from concept through design often includes mundane, repetitive tasks that hinder your ability to deliver specialised products quickly.  

Your design tools should deliver powerful, integrated, and intuitive workflows that remove barriers in your process. 

Join us for our inventor webinar series where we’ll share how you can free up your time to focus on projects where you add unique value–innovating to create better products–by leveraging design automation capabilities in Inventor. 

In this webinar, you'll learn how you can accelerate the creation of parts and assemblies with: 

  • Flexible and specialised modeling methods 
  • Design automation strategy 
  • Design accelerators 
  • Standard components available in the Inventor Content Center 

Register and watch the webinar on-demand and learn how to make most of your time using Inventor 2024

Watch Part 2 of this PDMC webinar series - Design Collaboration for Product Development in our APAC webinar portal.


Jim Byrne

Jim Byrne

Product Marketing Manager, Autodesk

Jim is a Product Marketing Manager at Autodesk. He has dedicated over 24 years to inspire engineers to implement tools for 3D design, simulation, and factory planning.

 James Krenisky

James Krenisky

Technical Marketing Manager, Design & Manufacturing, Autodesk

James started his career as a mechanical engineer, primarily focusing on thermal simulations, mechanical design, and research. In his current role he is focused on creating content that highlights the immense capabilities of our software.