Autodesk Fusion Insider Program

As a Autodesk Fusion Insider, you will have early access to next official version of Autodesk Fusion, several weeks before it is released to the general public.

Program Overview

Get your hands on new features, before everyone else​

Access the next version of Autodesk Fusion and all the new features, improvements, and fixes, weeks before the general public.

Know ahead of time when updates are happening, directly from our team

Gain inside knowledge of when we are deploying an update, what's new, and what’s coming next​.

Help shape the future of features still in development

As an Insider, you'll have the opportunities to join exclusive events, try cutting-edge functionality, and give feedback straight to the product teams. 

Member Benefits at a Glance:

Insider Program

  • Access to the exclusive Insider build

  • Early update release cycle

  • Early What's New content & Webinars

  • Access to Insider Forum

  • Access Insider Previews

  • Access to early development testing events

  • Work with product team behind the software

General Public

  • Access to the standard build

  • Standard update release cycle

  • What's New blog post on day of update

  • Access to public forums

Become a fusion insider

Interested? Join Today

The Insider Program lets you use your existing Autodesk Fusion login info, so you don't need to create a new account.


Note: NDA signature is required. As a member, you cannot share any non-public information outside of this program before official release.


Who is a good fit for this program?

  • Autodesk Fusion users who are looking to stay ahead of the curve and try the latest new features
  • Those of you interested in testing and giving feedback around functionality still in development
  • Content creators who want to be the first to access new features and create exclusive content
  • Add-in authors wanting to test their code against the next version of Autodesk Fusion

How can I try new features before everyone else?

Once you are a part of the Insider program you will gain access to the "Insider Build" of Autodesk Fusion. This is a separate version of Fusion 360 which receives product updates up to a month before the general public. Within this build you will log in with your Autodesk account and retain the exact same access as you have in the general build; i.e. the access you have to extensions in the general build will be the same in the Insider build.

Can I invite my team to join?

Yes, once you become an Insider, you'll be able to invite your team members to also join the Insider Program with the "Refer a friend" process within the main Insider Program page. 

Will my extensions work with the Insider Build?

Yes! Your extensions will all be compatible with the Insider Build. 


Note: you will not gain access to any additional extensions, you have not yet purchased, by joining the Insider Program. 

How do I install the Insider Build?

Installing the Insider Build is easy! As a member of the program, you will be able to download and install the Insider Build. You can have both the Insider build and general public build installed side by side, but we encourage you to use this build as your primary version moving forward. You can only log into one or the other, not both at the same time. 

See more FAQ

See the latest Autodesk Fusion roadmap update

Don't think you're a right fit for the Insider Program but would love to see what's coming in the near future?

Head over to our roadmap update to learn more about what we're working on, and what's coming in the near future.