Your next challenge awaits

In design and manufacturing, sometimes the problem is more fun than the solution.  Explore new possibilities in your product development process with Autodesk Fusion. 

Trusted by over 4.6 million professionals, including

Tousek customer story by Autodesk Fusion 360.
Tousek uses Autodesk Fusion to connect their engineering, electronics, and manufacturing departments.

What is Autodesk Fusion?

Autodesk Fusion is a cloud-based 3D CAD, CAM, CAE, and PCB software platform that seamlessly integrates design, engineering, and manufacturing. More than 4.6 million users across product design, mechanical engineering, and manufacturing industries choose Fusion as their design and make solution.

With Autodesk Fusion you can:

  • Explore design iterations with easy to use 3D modeling tools
  • Produce high-quality CNC machined parts with integrated CAD/CAM
  • Gain access to unified electronics design
  • Test the performance of your designs with 3D simulation tools
  • Explore manufacturing-ready outcomes with generative design
  • Collaborate and manage your data seamlessly in the cloud

Fusion delivers impactful results for businesses

Over $1 billion USD in sales

Moose Toys delivered the award-winning Magic Mixies toy going from concept to production in just 18 months.


400% business growth

Nerc Precision Engineering grew its manufacturing business by 400% in just over a year.



Breaking records

BBi Autosport pushes the boundaries of motorsports by designing, validating, and building record breaking supercars.


Key industries that rely on Autodesk Fusion

Consumer products

Autodesk Fusion enables product design teams to reduce time-to-market, respond quickly to opportunities, connect to customer insights, and create breakthrough innovations.


Any manufacturing project requires validation, and Autodesk Fusion excels at it. Integrated simulation tools let users test and verify their designs to ensure they meet requirements and work as planned.


AI-powered, generative design in Autodesk Fusion gives engineers the ability to select multiple manufacturing methods to quickly explore numerous solutions for their design and engineering challenges.

What's driving change in your industry?

Get the data and insights

The State of Design & Make report is a global, annual study to help leaders who design and make places, objects, and experiences form new business strategies for the future.

Welcome to a new era of working

Fusion is Autodesk’s industry cloud for manufacturing. Unify data, technologies, and workflows across the entire product lifecycle, connecting everyone involved in the product development process, regardless of their discipline.

Access expanded capabilities through a robust network of hardware and software partners


Find answers with the #1 solution for connected product development