Community Leader of the Year


Agnieszka Klich releases tutorial videos on 3ds Max and Arnold, plus workflow optimization and entrepreneurship to help artists grow their business. (video: 1:01)

With 140,000 subscribers and more than 9 million views on YouTube, it’s safe to say that Agnieszka Klich is an influencer.

Known for her Arch Viz Artist inspiration, learning, and development site, Agnieszka is on a mission to empower artists to unlock their full creative potential. Every week, she releases high-quality tutorial videos on 3DS Max and Arnold for her audiences. She also teaches skills like workflow optimization and entrepreneurship to help artists grow their business.

Agnieszka has built a popular platform for 3D effects artists of all levels to learn, connect, network, find jobs, and grow their skill sets. Her contributions to the industry and her passion for educating others have made Agnieszka a true community leader in the media and entertainment industry.