"An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host (0x2746)" when submitting a job using 3ds Max/Maya and Backburner

Autodesk Support

May 27, 2024

Products and versions covered


When submitting a job in 3ds Max/Maya Backburner, the following error is shown:
Error receiving information: An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host. (0x2746).


  • Third-party or operating system-based Firewall/Permissions.
  • IPv6 is enabled.


Verify that all computers participating in the Backburner network rendering process (render nodes, Manager, and 3ds Max/Maya workstation) have the following:

  1. Full permissions in Windows and third-party firewalls and antivirus software (i.e., Windows Defender, Windows Firewall, AVG, Norton, Kaspersky, etc.).
  2. Use IPv4 over IPv6 in Windows. See How to disable IPv6 or its components in Windows and select the option to "Prefer IPv4 over IPv6 in prefix policies"
For instances where the Manager machine is not able to register the Server node, do the following:
  1. Reset Backburner on the Server nodes by following the instructions in this article: Reset Backburner user settings to default.
  2. Make sure the Server Settings are:
    • Server = localhost 
    • Manager = Automatic Search (confirm port is correct) 
    • Server will appear in the Backburner Monitor as Absent.
  3. Close and restart the Server application on the render node.
  4. Go into the Windows Firewall (or Defender/antivirus software) on the Manager and Server machines and add exceptions to 3dsmax.exe, manager.exe, monitor.exe, and server.exe. 
  5. Reset the Server Index in the Monitor by right-clicking on the Absent Server.
  6. Test sending a job from 3ds Max/Maya to an Output Path using a shared folder so both machines can see the file save path/directory. Job should proceed to render successfully with no errors.


3ds Max; Maya;

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