"No convergence of non linear problem " while model with non linear compatible nodes defined in Robot Structural Analysis

Autodesk Support

Oct 8, 2023

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"No convergence of non linear problem " while model with non linear compatible nodes defined in Robot Structural Analysis. Mode with non linear compatibility,  defined as function cannot be calculated.



Incorrectly defined non non linear function for compatibility definition. Value not defined for origin point 0


Correct non linear function definition.
Follow the steps.
  1. Open Geometry >Additions Attributes>Compatible nodes.
  2. Double click non linear compatibility label.
  3. Go to Non-linear tab.
  4. Click Definition of non linear model.
  5. Select non linear function.

  1. Open Parameters tab.
  2. Define value for origin 0 then Add.
  3. OK.
  4. Calculate model.



Robot Structural Analysis Products;

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