How to Install and License Arnold for Cinema 4D (C4DtoA)

Autodesk Support

Oct 8, 2023

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How to install and activate licenses for Arnold with Cinema 4D (C4DtoA). 


Annual subscriptions for Arnold 5 (aka Arnold 2018 as shown in the Autodesk Account) use Autodesk License framework and are issued as network/floating licenses (multi-user).
Autodesk Network License works with the Network License Manager (NLM) running on a server distributing licenses to one or more client machines where Arnold plugin runs, e.g. MtoA, MAXtoA, C4DtoA etc. The NLM can also run on the same machine where the plugin is installed and where the rendering runs.

Arnold 6 (aka Arnold 2020) introduces single-user licenses. See Changes in Licensing for Arnold
Monthly, annual, and multi-year single-user subscriptions of Arnold 6 are available on the Autodesk e-store. These do not require a license server. With a new single-user subscription, you just sign in with your Autodesk ID using the Arnold License Manager.


To properly set up a Arnold License for Cinema4D, use the following process:

Arnold 5 (aka Arnold 2018 - C4DtoA v2.0.3 to v2.6.2.1)

Step 1: Install C4DtoA

  1. Download C4DtoA for the correspondent version of Cinema 4D from Arnold downloads page.
  2. Follow the Install Wizard (automated guide) to properly install it.
Note: Confirm that the version of C4DtoA is 2.0.3 or higher. Previous versions will not work with Autodesk Network License Manager (NLM).
Note: If you are using C4DtoA 3.0.1 or higher you need to update your license file with Arnold 2020 from the Autodesk Account, then follow the steps down below under Arnold 6 (aka Arnold 2020 - C4DtoA v3.0.1 or higher).

Step 2: Get the License Manager

  1. Identify the machine which would act as license server.
  2. Download the NLM from this page for the corresponding OS.

Step 3: Get the Arnold license file

Generate the Arnold license file from the Autodesk Account: Generate a Network License File in Autodesk Account

Step 4: Install and Configure the License Manager

Install and configure the NLM on the server following the steps indicated here, depending on the OS used:

Step 5: Set up the Environment Variable

An Environment Variable is needed for Arnold to know where to pull a license. Apply the following process on the workstation where C4DtoA will run.
Note: To avoid licensing errors during network congestion create a FLEXLM_TIMEOUT environment variable.
  • Mac and Linux: 
  1. Open a Terminal window.
  2. Type cd to move to your Home folder.
  3. Type touch .flexlmrc to create the configuration file.
  4. Type nano .flexlmrc to open the file in the Command Line Text Editor.
  5. Type ADSKFLEX_LICENSE_FILE=@myserver where myserver is your license server hostname or IP address. If Arnold will render on the same machine where your license server runs, use @localhost.
User-added image
  1. Press CTRL+X to save the file. Then press Y to confirm and finally ENTER to save it with name .flexlmrc.
  2. The variable is now set. You can double-check the contents of the .flexlmrc file by typing cat .flexlmrc.
User-added image

Step 6 - Confirm Arnold is working

Run Cinema 4D and run a simple render - if no watermarks appear this indicates that Arnold is pulling the license from the server correctly.


Arnold 6 (aka Arnold 2020 - C4DtoA v3.0.1 or higher)

First, find your license type. Then follow the below steps depending on your scenario/license type:

See this playlist to learn how to use the Arnold License Manager.




2020; 2018; 2023;

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