How to insert a standard part into a Fusion design from McMaster-Carr

Autodesk Support

Sep 11, 2024

Products and versions covered


How to find a standard parts library in Fusion. 


Fusion uses the McMaster-Carr website as its standard parts library. McMaster-Carr can be accessed directly in Fusion:
  1. Go to the ribbon, in the Insert pane, select Insert McMaster-Carr Component.
  2. In the Insert McMaster-Carr Component dialog box, navigate to the part to insert. 
  3. Click the part number and select Product Detail. Supported parts show a CAD cross-hair icon. 
mcmaster UI
  1. Scroll down on the product details page until you see a 3D model drop-down menu.
Download option
  1. Select a file type such as SAT or STEP and click Save.



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