Adding custom AutoCAD tool palettes to AutoCAD Architecture or AutoCAD MEP

Autodesk Support

Nov 8, 2023

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Custom tools and tool palettes were created in AutoCAD and exported them as XTP files. The XTP files could not be imported into AutoCAD Architecture or AutoCAD MEP.


The option to export and import XTP files is not available in AutoCAD Architecture or AutoCAD MEP.


Try one or more of the following solutions to attempt to fix your issue:

Use the Content Browser to add your AutoCAD tool palettes to AutoCAD Architecture or AutoCAD MEP:

  1. From the Insert ribbon, Content tab, click the Content Browser to launch it.
  2. In the lower left, click the icon to add or create a catalog.
  3. Choose the radio button to "Add an existing catalog or web site".
  4. Browse for the ATC file that contains your AutoCAD tool palettes, select Open, then OK.
  5. Open the catalog and drag the AutoCAD tool palettes from Content Browser onto your local AutoCAD Architecture or AutoCAD MEP tool palettes.

Catalog library - Autodesk Content Browser

Note:  For versions 2019 and higher, select all the tools right click on them and Add to tool palette

Use Customize to add the custom Tool Palettes:

  1. On the command line type OP or OPTIONS and hit 'Enter'.
  2. In the 'File' tab navigate down to the 'Tool Palette File Location' tree and expand it. 
  3. Click 'Add' then 'Browse' and navigate to the file paths for the custom tool catalogs, tool palettes, etc.,:
    1. Catalogs atc.
    2. Tool Palettes atc.
    3. Images
    4. Blocks
    5. .datalink (for dynamic and attribute block data).
  4. Click 'Apply' then 'Close'.
  5. In model space on the command line use CUSTOMIZE and drag the tool palettes from the left column to the right column then press 'Ok' and 'Close'.

Drag and Drop the tool Palettes back into AutoCAD Architecture or MEP: 

  1. Add the file paths in the tool palette file location like above.

  2. Navigate to the tool palette file location in file explorer of C:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming\Autodesk\ACA 20XX\enu\Support\ or C:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming\Autodesk\MEP 20XX\enu\Support\ and do one of the following:
  • Navigate to the folder that says 'Tool Palettes' and select the custom tool palette and drag and drop it into the AutoCAD Architecture or MEP tool palettes
  • Navigate to the file that says 'Workspace Catalogs' and drag and drop the catalog into the Content Browser Catalog area in AutoCAD Architecture or MEP.
  • Navigate to 'Workspace Catalogs/Palettes/' and drag and drop the tool palette into AutoCAD Architecture or MEP.
Note:  If tool palettes were created in a previous year make sure to go to the appropriate folder of the year the tool palettes were created in.

Update the image of the block:

  1. Right click on the block on the tool palette and select 'Refresh Image'.
  2. If the image becomes a white square, select the block and right click on it and either select 'Update Image' or select 'Properties' and where it says 'Style Location' navigate back to the file location of that block style found in the following areas:
    • For AutoCAD Architecture:  C:\ProgramData\Autodesk\ACA 2022\AEC Content\Imperial\ (Select either Design or Documentation then the folder of the specific type then the specific tool .dwg). 
    • For AutoCAD MEP:  C:\ProgramData\Autodesk\MEP 20XX\MEPContent\USI\ (Select the folder of the appropriate tool trying to re-path then the corresponding tool .xml)

Copy and past multiple blocks back onto the AutoCAD Architecture or MEP tool palette:

  1. Add the file paths like above.
  2. Go to the folder containing the blocks in the file explorer.
  3. Do a CTRL+A  to select all the blocks then CTRL+C.
  4. Go to AutoCAD Architecture or MEP and create a new palette in the new palette right click then do a CTRL+V to paste them all in.

Re-path the content file of the broken custom tool palettes:

  1. Add the file paths like above.
  2. Go to the broken block(s) on the tool palette and right click (if multiple do a CTRL+A) on the block and select ‘Properties’.
  3. Click on the arrow drop down where it says ‘Content File’ and point to the correct file location.

To fix the detail component blocks that show as an 'Anonymous Block' and will not allow it to be placed:

  1. Select the block and on the command line type COPYBLOCKDEFANDASSIGN
  2. Select the block and hit 'Enter'.
  3. Select 'No' at the prompt 'Remain as anonymous block definition?'
  4. Enter in a name for the block then click 'Ok'.

To fix broken custom attribute tags:

  1. Add the file paths like above.
  2. Right click on the tag and go to properties.
  3. Re-point the tag location to the correct area.  
  4. The same with the property set definition.
    • For AutoCAD Architecture:  C:\ProgramData\Autodesk\ACA 20XX\Styles\Imperial
    • For AutoCAD MEP:  C:\ProgramData\Autodesk\MEP 20XX\Styles\Imperial
Note:  If catalogs, palettes and blocks are on a server make sure appropriate permissions are given to access them.


AutoCAD Architecture; AutoCAD MEP;

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