When clicking on the File Tab, Revit is freezing for 20-40 seconds

Autodesk Support

Jan 16, 2025

Products and versions covered


Users reported that when clicking on the File Tab, Ribbon is hanged for 20-40 seconds. Instead of the mouse cursor, a blue circle appears and spins. Additionally, the recently opened models and families in Revit Home (Home Page) are not displayed.

Additional Information:

This hang up is related to one or more models in the Recent Files list.

If encountering this behavior in Revit 2019.2.2, or Revit 2020, check if the following article applies: File button is slow to respond in Revit


To resolve this behavior, perform the following strategies:

Clear the Recent Files list in the Revit.ini file:

  1. Browse to the following path: C:\Users\%USERNAME%\AppData\Roaming\Autodesk\Revit\Autodesk Revit <version>
  2. Open the Revit.ini file in Notepad.
  3. Delete all of the entries at the end of the file after the line "[Recent File List]" (including "[Recent Workset List]").
Alternative options:
  • Delete the Revit.ini file and it would then be recreated automatically (when launching/closing Revit).
Note: If you delete the Revit.ini file, then Revit configuration options stored in this file will be reset to their defaults
  • Press CTRL+O to access the File > Open dialog.
Note: Access to additional command on the File menu can be accessed by creating: Keyboard Shortcuts.



Incident ID:


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