Odd sizes for ducts, pipes, conduits, etc., are displaying when trying to add them in AutoCAD MEP

Autodesk Support

Jan 4, 2024

Products and versions covered


Some customers have reported that odd sizes appear when adding in pipes, ducts, conduits, etc., into a DWG when working in AutoCAD MEP.  For example, instead of a 3/4" pipe you see a size of .5906


  • AutoCAD Architecture or AutoCAD MEP was launched from the Windows 'Start' menu and not the desktop shortcut.
  • AutoCAD profile is set to current instead of AutoCAD MEP..
  • Software not launched from the correct desktop shortcut or application menu.
  • Incorrect profile is configured for the shortcut.
  • Double clicking on a DWG to launch AutoCAD MEP causes the wrong profile to launch due to incorrect file associativity.
  • Corrupt profile due to manipulating the customization or due to migrating from earlier releases. 


Try the following troubleshooting solutions to attempt to fix the issue:

Working in a wrong user profile:

  • To find out which profile currently being used, do the following:
  1. On the command line type OPTIONS and hit enter.
  2. Go to the 'Profiles' tab and see which profile is highlighted in blue, the profile highlighted in blue is the current profile being used. 
  • If the incorrect profile is highlighted, do the following:
  1. Click on the correct user profile.
  2. Click on 'Set to Current', then 'Apply' then 'Ok' to close.

Wrong profile of AutoCAD MEP has been launched:

To make sure that the correct profile is being used with the correct content when launching AutoCAD MEP, make sure the correct profile is being launched: 

Other troubleshooting solutions:

Make sure the content folders paths are present and correct and not missing (see:  Missing AEC object style and Content Browser catalogs in AutoCAD Architecture or AutoCAD MEP).



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