Error Code | Group | Source |
E101 | ErroErrorr transferring file {fileName} | MachineConnector |
E102 | Error connecting to FTP server at {_ftpClient.Host} | MachineConnector |
E103 | Failed to delete incomplete target file left over from cancellation with exception. | MachineConnector |
E201 | Starting up timed out after {timeout} ms. | MachineConnector |
E202 | {timeNow} Connection error happened. | MachineConnector |
E202 | {TimeNow()} Internal error happened. | MachineConnector |
E202 | MTConnect error {0} happened: {1}. | MachineConnector |
E203 | Cannot find resource {0} | MachineConnector |
E203 | OPCUA password cannot be decrypted inside connector. | MachineConnector |
E203 | Cannot find assembly for {0} type | MachineConnector |
E204 | Failed to add login for {smbSettings.Path} | MachineConnector |
E103 | Failed to delete incomplete target file left over from cancellation. | MachineConnector |
E301 | Ipc Query {request.Method} failed with exception: | MachineConnector |
E401 | Parsing atomic request failed. | ShopFloorConnector |
E401 | {0} got an exception, but continues processing messages. | ShopFloorConnector |
E401 | {0} could not allocate a response buffer | ShopFloorConnector |
E205 | An error occurred while parsing the document. | MachineConnector |
E205 | Document schema is missing\n{0} | MachineConnector |
E205 | Document contains no device\n{0} | MachineConnector |
E205 | Device UUID attribute cannot be found in\n{0} | MachineConnector |
E205 | Device name attribute cannot be found in\n{0} | MachineConnector |
E205 | Cannot find resource {0} | MachineConnector |
E501 | Connection to a web socket server is interrupted. | ShopFloorConnector |
E502 | Could not open web socket connection to Core. | ShopFloorConnector |
E601 | Request with {0} type cannot be converted. | ShopFloorConnector |
E601 | Request with {0} request type cannot be converted. | ShopFloorConnector |
E602 | Response with {0} type cannot be converted. | ShopFloorConnector |
E602 | Converted response has wrong {0} type. | ShopFloorConnector |
E603 | While executing timeout handler exception has happened. | ShopFloorConnector |
E603 | Successfully deserialized message cannot be null. | ShopFloorConnector |
E604 | Received invalid Machine Configuration Response | ShopFloorConnector |
E603 | While processing an arrived core message {0} exception was thrown. | ShopFloorConnector |
E605 | Required fields {field} for '{messageType}' are missing or empty in {serializedResult}. | ShopFloorConnector |
E605 | Malformed obfuscated credentials {0} provoked exception:\n{1}. | ShopFloorConnector |
E605 | Could not decode base64 for of the obfuscated credentials {0}. | ShopFloorConnector |
E603 | Failed to receive message sent from Core. | ShopFloorConnector |
E503 | Reconnect failed with Exception | ShopFloorConnector |
E501 | Lost existing Connection to Core | ShopFloorConnector |
E601 | Unexpected exception happened while handling Core request {type}/{correlationId} | ShopFloorConnector |
E701 | While processing settings update for Machine Connector {0}[{1}] exception has happened. | ShopFloorConnector |
E702 | While stopping Machine Connector {0} exception has happened. | ShopFloorConnector |
E401 | Failed {0} callback for {1} | ShopFloorConnector |
E606 | Cannot serialize unknown \"msgType\": {message.MsgType}. | ShopFloorConnector |
E602 | A message for \"{0}\" cannot be serialized for sending. Sending empty message. | ShopFloorConnector |
E602 | Sending message for \"{0}\" failed. | ShopFloorConnector |
E104 | Download Failed because of invalid checksum. | ShopFloorConnector |
E105 | Download Failed with message: {ex.Message} | ShopFloorConnector |
E104 | Invalid Checksum: requested file may be corrupted. | ShopFloorConnector |
E106 | Machine with id: {connectorId} lacks FileTransfer capability | ShopFloorConnector |
N/A | {nameof(GetConnectionStatus)} query time-out. | SFCSetup |
E301 | Subscribing for machine state changes timed out. | ShopFloorConnector |
E402 | {nameof(UpdateSettings)}({_settings.Connector.ConnectorId}) query time-out. | ShopFloorConnector |
E402 | {nameof(TransferFile)}({_settings.Connector.ConnectorId}) query time-out. | ShopFloorConnector |
E402 | {nameof(Stop)}({_settings.Connector.ConnectorId}) query time-out. | ShopFloorConnector |
E402 | {nameof(SetField)}({_settings.Connector.ConnectorId}) query time-out. | ShopFloorConnector |
E402 | {nameof(Ping)}({_settings.Connector.ConnectorId}) query time-out. | ShopFloorConnector |
E402 | {nameof(GetField)}({_settings.Connector.ConnectorId}) query time-out. | ShopFloorConnector |
E402 | {nameof(GetCapabilities)}({_settings.Connector.ConnectorId}) query time-out. | ShopFloorConnector |
E402 | {nameof(UpdateLoggingSettings)}({_settings.Connector.ConnectorId}) query time-out. | ShopFloorConnector |
E302 | While processing a new json event, an exception was thrown. | ShopFloorConnector |
E302 | While processing a file progress received exception was thrown | ShopFloorConnector |
E302 | While processing a machine state change exception was thrown. | ShopFloorConnector |
E301 | While processing a Trace Received exception was thrown. | ShopFloorConnector |
E801 | Archive crash dumps failed: path did not point at an existing directory. | ShopFloorConnector |
E801 | Archive crash dumps failed: Could not find connector directory | ShopFloorConnector |
E702 | While stopping a process for the machine {0}, exception was thrown. | ShopFloorConnector |
E802 | While rotating connector crash dump, exception has happened. | ShopFloorConnector |
E703 | Impossible to start connector Client process {0} | ShopFloorConnector |
E704 | Client notification timed out after {0} ms. | ShopFloorConnector |