How to generate IFC file for a model in AutoCAD Plant 3D

Autodesk Support

Jan 7, 2025

Products and versions covered


How to generate or export an IFC file for a model which is in AutoCAD Plant 3D.


AutoCAD Plant 3D does not support the IFC file format and cannot be exported directly.


To export an AutoCAD Plant 3D model to IFC file, perform the following steps:

  1. Open the AutoCAD Plant 3D model drawing and use the "EXPORTTOAUTOCAD" command.
  2. Use AutoCAD Architecture, AutoCAD MEP, or AutoCAD Civil 3D to open the exported AutoCAD file.
  3. Before opening the drawing in one of these toolsets, install the AutoCAD Plant 3D version-specific object enabler. 
  4. Export the drawing to IFC file format. 

Note: Because of using EXPORTTOAUTOCAD and conversion of the AutoCAD Plant 3D components to plain AutoCAD components, like 3D Solid, the AutoCAD Plant 3D properties are gone.

As an alternative, use Codemill to export to IFC from a file that is opened in Navisworks.


AutoCAD Plant 3D;

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