"Network License Not Available. Error [0.0.0]" when starting Autodesk software

Autodesk Support

Aug 6, 2024

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When starting an Autodesk product, the following error message is displayed:


Licensing Error

Network License Not Available
Common causes: all licenses are in use, the server is down, or the license has expired. Contact your system administrator or support.
Error [0.0.0]

Network License Not Available [0.0.0] 


  • License server is not setup properly or is outdated.
  • Connecting to invalid server or server not hosting Autodesk product licenses.
  • Invalid, outdated, or wrong pathway for the license file
  • Corrupt CascadeInfo.cas file.
  • Essential ports blocked by the Windows firewall.
  • Client workstation not listed in options file INCLUDE command.
  • Incorrect licpath.lic file.
  • NLM port already in use.
  • License retrieval timeout.
  • Wrong product is installed based on feature code in license file.
  • Incorrect Installer.


Note: Some of the below suggestions require administrator rights or access to the license server. Consult with your system or network administrator.

First, check that the server can be reached through the ping command:
  1. Click Start.
  2. Type cmd
  3. Press ENTER.
  4. Type ping <servername> (where <servername> is your license server hostname or IP address).
  • If a reply is returned, then proceed with the following solutions.
  • If the command times out appears check with your network administrator. 


License server is not setup properly or runs an old version of the Network License Manager (NLM)

Ensure that the License server is properly setup:

If the last version of NLM is installed but the issue persists, use the following guide: Error: "Network License Not Available - Error [0.0.0]" despite LMTOOLS is updated to latest version


Update the Autodesk Desktop Licensing Service on the client machine

See Autodesk Licensing Service download


Invalid license type selected

Verify in the Autodesk Account if the correct license is used. If your software license is "Sign In" but the software is accidentally launched as "Multi-user" or "Network License", the above error is displayed.
In this case, do the following:

  1. Change the license type (see: How to change or reset a license for Autodesk software).
  2. Start again the software.
  3. Select Single user or Sign In on the Let's Get Started screen.


Invalid, outdated, or wrong pathway for the license file

Upload your license file to License File Parser and verify the following:


Corrupt CascadeInfo.cas file

Delete the CascadeInfo.cas file. A new file will be created automatically when the product opens. The CascadeInfo.cas file is located in the following locations: 

  • C:\ProgramData\Autodesk\Adlm\CascadeInfo.cas


Essential ports are blocked by the Windows firewall or incorrect port is being used

  1. Enable ports 2080 and 27000-27009, which are used for network licensing. See How to set exceptions for Autodesk Network License Manager in Windows Firewall
  1. Confirm that the server and workstation are using the same ports:

Server: Open the license file and review the first three lines. If no port is listed at the end of SERVER 27000 is the default port.

SERVER Master01 00d0b757050C0 
      VENDOR adsklflex port=2080

If the port was to be changed it would appear similar to the following example:

SERVER Master01 00d0b757050C0 27005
     VENDOR adsklflex port= 2085 (This is rarely changed)
  1. Check environment variable ADSKFLEX_LICENSE_FILE and LICPATH.lic to see what port is being used. If a port is not listed the default port used is 27000.


The client workstation is not listed in an options file with INCLUDE command

If an Options File is used with INCLUDE command to restrict license usage, a client workstation should be listed in the options file INCLUDE command. If that is the case, follow these steps:

  1. On the server, open the adskflex.opt file located in the same directory as your network license file.
  2. Make sure that your client hostname is included in the INCLUDE command for the specific license.
  3. For example, the client hostname is paul. The software is AutoCAD. The OPTIONS file will look like below:
  1. Restart the server to re-read the OPTIONS file.
  2. Finally, open the software on the client machine - the software will now check the license and open.


Autodesk NLM port already in use

Verify whether another program is using the same port as Autodesk NLM. If it is, identify an open TCP port between 27000 to 27009 and add it to the network license file:

  1. Open network license file on the server.
  2. On the top row, after the MAC address, enter a space and then the new open port.
  3. Save the file.
  4. Stop the services.
  5. Start the services.

For example, if choosing 27004 as the new open port for NLM, the licpath.lic file might contain these lines:

SERVER serverName 00112233445566 27004
VENDOR adskflex port=2080

Note: The number 00112233445566 in the first line represents the server MAC address.


License retrieval timeout

The current license retrieval timeout value, expressed in milliseconds, may be too short. This can happen if accessing a network license through a VPN.
This can be increased, giving more time to retrieve the license: How to create a FLEXLM_TIMEOUT environment variable.

Incorrect date/time on license server

To resolve the error, correct the date/time on the license server and restart the licensing service in LMTOOLS.

Autodesk Desktop Licensing Service not working properly

Autodesk Desktop Licensing service acts as an entry point and it is always good to ensure it is working. See How to check the status of Autodesk Desktop Licensing Service.

Wrong Product Installed

Check the license file for the feature code being requested. This could be a result of an incorrect product matchup related to an offering: Standard, Premium, Ultimate, Pro.

Uninstall the current product and install the correct version

Incorrect Installer

Check the subscription for Enterprise (Token flex) or a commercial license and use the appropriate installer. Autodesk simulation products such as Autodesk CFD and Moldflow have different installers for Token flex and commercial users.


Uninstall and reinstall 

Perform a clean uninstall of the Autodesk product and reinstall. 


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